Farmer faces losing livelihood if plans for 1,000 new homes go ahead in Kings Langley

Who needs Green Belt?  Gosh what does the UK need a lung for anyhow?  Dairy Farmers & Hedgerows in Kings Langley?  What utter rubbish – when one can just have more flats and Housing Complexes!  And Council officials can walk about with big, fat, green, wedges in their back pockets! livelihood_if_plans_for_1_000_new_homes_go_ahead/

GW:  More and more Hertfordians talking about our ”Villages” being turned into Croydons!

Shazmeglex 26th October 2017
Only a thousand homes ? Must have got their figures wrong somewhere ?

[Deleted]26th October 19:18:50 BST
[Deleted]26th October 19:38:07 BST
[Deleted]27th October 09:58:24 BST

watford 27th October 2017
You forgot to mention the Illuminati Lizard-People.

Betty443922111 27th October 2017
LOL. Well there is live videos of the Queen on her 90’s birthday started shapeshifting live on BBC2 both Twitter and Facebook went into meltdown but the lizard owners removed the trending comments. Good Lord Betty – this is the home counties remember. You can’t go saying that sort of thing around here. Henry Viii had his hunting lodge right around the corner.

didopbgv 27th October 2017
If there is a boat out of here, I want you to be the first person on it.

Salguod 26th October 2017
Bet those proposing this live in Tring.  Now Now.  We know who lives in Tring.

G_Whiz 26th October 2017
And a holiday home in Cornwall!.
One minute everyone moans about Ukip – The next they are all moaning about the results of what Ukip has always predicted. Blinkered dunces all of them! Of course it’s only going to get much worse and one day all the naive liberals will realise they were wrong. They are always wrong in the end. The people of Watford voted for it – and they are getting it. Over –
developed chaos!!

WessexLad 27th October 2017
With our run-down Navy, the UK is vulnerable to a food blockade. There needs to be a presumption against housing on productive agricultural land. If you agree, respond to the current consultation by the Department for Communities and Local Government.

John Dowdle
“Watford council is keen to see development and as such residential-led schemes are taking preference and at the best sites,” Brown says. “However, pressure is building on the current office stock, with no new developments on the horizon. If Watford is to be an area where people live and work, the commercial stock needs to grow in conjunction for it to fulfil its potential.”

“Riverwell is undoubtedly a step in the right direction as it strives to furnish Watford with homes and facilities to attract new occupiers and create up to 1,300 new jobs. The clean-up of the derelict and contaminated 29-acre site is already a happy by-product???? (In whose opinion?  It was a beautiful vista of a green valley before WBC brought in the diggers!) And if all that is planned is delivered, it will be a happier place still for local residents.”

By cleaning up the land, it will no longer be used for light industrial use or retail use but becomes prime land for yet more residential developments.
Watford is turning before our very eyes from a former market town into a dormitory town, one in which people commute into and out of London, spending only as much time as necessary in Watford to sleep and eat.
Their contribution to local life will be utterly marginal.
Maybe that is what the local powers that be actually want?
A quiet pliant local “community” – no voluble trouble-makers in sight!  Yep!

GW: Beg Pardon? Watford Fibberal Lemmingprat Council did NOT have to clean up Farm Terrace Allotments to create the cunningly renamed ”Wealth Campus” now interestingly referred to as ”Riverwell.”  The Allotments were already PRIME AGRICULTURAL LAND!

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