Interesting Masonic Hand Sign Being Given By Merkel

Belgium makes shock move that shows how worried EU leaders are about Brexit

”The EGF is one of the EU’s key measures to help workers made redundant get back into employment and was set up as a counterbalance to the increased job insecurity caused by globalisation.

It currently has a budget of around £20 million a year as is mostly deployed when there have been large scale job losses of 500 or more, such as a big local employer going under.

Britain has never received a penny from the scheme, which was set up in 2007, despite the fact that all member states contribute to it. In that time it has received 148 applications from 21 Member States.”

”Last month academics researching the implications of a no-deal Brexit calculated that the EU is set to lose twice as many jobs as Britain if the two sides cannot agree a good trade deal.

In a landmark report experts at Belgium’s leading university Catholic Leuven revealed 1.2 million ordinary Europeans are set to lose their jobs if eurocrats cannot find a compromise agreement.”

How can this fund help people back into work if there aren’t any jobs.

Suddenly it seems as though the EU 27 are waking up to what they’ve been advised of since Brexit came into being. TM and DD have said time and again that both sides will be affected – and it seems as though some of the 27 will be worst affected.

However it’s reported above: “….. revealed 1.2 million ordinary Europeans are set to lose their jobs if eurocrats cannot find a compromise agreement. “ Can someone tell these citizens that the eurocrats haven’t even tried to find a compromise agreement and it looks as though these citizens could well be sacrificed on the alter of the EU!

Of course, we have never received any money from an eu fund. It’s not meant for the British, we are just supposed to pay in, like CAP, CFP, the disaster fund, etc., etc., etc.

history counts  Edited
I thought all these remainers have said Brexit would not cause any unemployment in the remaining EU nations…..seems they were wrong.

MyOpinion – > historycounts
It’s strange isn’t it. The UK is full of politicians espousing doom and gloom over Brexit, (in-spite of the fact that it is the UK handing over money to the EU, it is the UK providing jobs, housing, education, healthcare and welfare to over three times as many EU citizens as our own receives from the other 27 members combined, and it is the UK that has a multi billion trade deficit with the other 27), yet the political representatives in the other 27 member Countries, are all apparently telling their own electorate that Brexit will have NO adverse effect on them. Whether or not this is based upon the £100bn divorce settlement they are angling for, or possibly continued access to our fishing grounds, remains to be established.

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