These two brains both belong to three-year-olds, so why is one so much bigger?

Marc Bailie 25 Oct 2017
There is a lot of support for maternal influence on intelligence. That support makes the assumption that the children have normal brains, and that those brains are healthy. Brain development in children can be influenced by a wide veriaty of things outside of the mother’s control and will influence later life. The other oversight that was made when a comparison was called for between two brains. The image has been edited, brain scans are not conducted simultaneously to generate images like these, and during the editing process the scale marks have been removed. A conclusive deduction regarding size cannot be made without a calibration scale.

Robert Purvis 25 Oct 2017
So while we shovel wads of cash to the Department for International Development we fail to provide funds for proven, successful interventions to help our own people and to improve our own society. Utter madness.

Lexi Dick 25 Oct 2017
It does seem to me that the fifteen billion or so this country spends in overseas aid every year would be much better spent on the early intervention programmes described in this article, It wouldn’t just help failing mothers and their babies, but the whole of our society.

Cheryl Freeman 24 Oct 2017
I have an adopted son who was severely neglected from birth to age 18 months. He also had lead poisoning. Is there anyway to correct the damage that has been done? He is almost 16 and is processing as a 6 year old at best. He has no impulse control. we just placed him in a specialized treatment center for therapy. He is making advances to 3&4 year olds and starting fires, he also destroys anything he can get his hands on. We have to lock everything up.

Lexi Dick 25 Oct 2017
@Cheryl Freeman That must be heart-breaking for you and your family.

I do wonder whether it was better when most unplanned babies were adopted at birth.

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