Foreign Aid Debate Rumbles On Even Though DE Tries To Limit Debate

I agree foreign aid should be used in this country, if people wanted to give they still would , but taking it without asking in the form of taxation is just theft in anyone’s book. Blair started this highwayman’s levy on us, followed by each and every PM since, all wanting to look good in the eyes of the rest of the world and paying more taxpayers’ money than anyone but the USA . Why is the NHS allowed to waste our money that’s meant to be used for taxpayers here on people that visit our country and have no right to it, like people wanting IVF, it’s just crazy. Foreign aid should be freely given and not taken. If there’s a disaster somewhere in the world people would put their own hand in their pockets, but don’t expect to find that our government got there before them. Good old George Osborne once said “ whatever the people of this country donate I will match pound for pound “ at the time he was talking about taxpayers money and not his own, so ever since then I’ve never donated anything again while they rob our own country blind so they can give it to anyone with a begging bowl, despots and thieves.

But 6bn a yr goes to the country that can’t be mentioned, and then disappears to goodness knows where.
Good luck getting them to cut this back.

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