‘We’re at breaking point’ Keep foreign aid cash for NHS pleads top cancer doctor


I remember Nigel Farage being derided for making comments about this during the EU referendum by the Liberal Left. The NHS is the country’s biggest state employer and the government use it to create white collar jobs and that’s where a lot of the money is wasted, look at the salaries of its managers , etc, it employs 7 pen pushers for each front line member of staff.

A H H Esq
You won’t find the left wing nation hating Remainiacs on this thread talking about economics? I wonder why?  Scrap foreign aid and put Britons first.

S T U K4 M
I am sick to death of our country being plundered by scroungers and health tourists. I vote for MP’s to protect ME, MY OWN AND MY COUNTRY. Clearly they are failing on all fronts. Do your job and stop giving our money away or get out and let someone into the job who will! In future I want to hear MP’s when campaigning promising to do these things and following through or I will do everything in my power to get them sacked!

britannica – > democraticaccountability
I agree. I wouldn’t mind the foreign aid budget going to the NHS to treat our own people, but not the illegal, health scroungers and not to creating yet more managers who do nothing useful but cost us a fortune.

JAD50 – > britannica
Why are we giving aid to Nigeria, which rivals Pakistan for the number one slot as most corrupt nation on Earth?

nosurrender2eussr – > Bev Brown
£ 2 BILLION pounds is Insignificant to our useless politicians because it’s “Virtue Spending” _
and they love to be seen being ‘charitable’ – as long as it’s not Their money.

Foreign aid is for sure a can of worms where hypocrisy abounds as does blackmail and other undesirable transactions. Add inefficiences, corruption and waste and that is where we are with our so-called friends and humanitarian concerns. One of our problems is that diplomatically no one can speak the truth, as no doubt the truth will be ugly and offensive. Are we brave enough to stand alone and support our so called principles and values – I have my doubts about that

This government are quite willing to throw British pensioners under the Bus to keep Indian companies happy (TATA British Steel Pension Fund Scandal) it’s time for this country’s TAX payers to reap some of the reward for their hard earned contributions, instead of it being wasted on the lame/the lazy/the alien/ by a totally incompetent entity

I feel that once we get the money that would have been in Junkers greasy palms we should indeed upgrade the whole of the NHS.
Not any penny of it should be spent on a tourist……. they have a service that they can get for that its called….errr …OH yes…Insurance
The same sort YOU have to take out when abroad.
For a tourist visiting our hospitals we should first ask for their credit card….. you know like they do in the US or a host of other countries.
The first charge should be 1000 pounds for the privilege of using the NHS…. then at the end of each day another 1000……..
This is actually considerably cheaper than the USA
If they do need emergency services they should get them, but only enough to get them to the airport and home safely

Fedup68 Edited
We need to stop all health tourism. Any foreign visitors to this country should have full insurance in place before coming here. They should not be allowed to use our system unless they can pay. YES charity does begin at home

Under the Tories, we now spend around 6% of GDP on the NHS, when we spent about 9% under the last Labour government. That is the reason the NHS is in crisis, nothing else. Certainly the amount of foreign aid palls into insignificance when compared to the £124 billion NHS budget and this is just more headline grabbing by a medic who had been trying to out-UKIP UKIP for years.

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