Saudi Arabia’s return to ‘moderate, open Islam’

On the border with Egypt? Saudi has no land border with Egypt! A long border with Jordan, yes, and $500billion bucks to spend.  How about letting the millions of refugees in the area live and work on this new economic zone instead of causing war and forcing the inhabitants to flee to the west, they can quite easily be bussed from Syria, Iraq and the camps in Jordan, Lebanon and Gaza. After all they are your brothers. . .
Migrant problem solved! and while they are at it, let the people smugglers from Libya take all those “refugees” through the Suez to Saudi and they can join the party. . .

“moderate Islam”
So that embraces the rabid anti-white racism already common among many Muslim communties, disgusting and violent misogyny, rampant and hypocritical homophobia and cynical contempt for free speech, human rights and democracy?
Can’t wait.  (This is actually the Crypto Agenda disguised as ”radical islam”.  Remember to ask ”What’s the Game?  Who’s playing?  What are the rules? & Can I win? Before putting any chips on the table.)

GW: It has oft been said in the activist community that SA are actually a bunch of Cryptos.  This would explain the UK’s continuous ”close ties” with the country as they are the ”gofers” for the Zionists.

GW?  Rattle Rattle Rattle Thump Clatter!  Gideon?  Is that you?  Yes GW.  What are you doing in here at this time?  Well GW I was just informed that you were talking about putting chips on the table!  What happened to that healthy eating program you were talking about the other day?  You are just all bluster these days GW and I am sick of it.  Here give me that crisp packet at once!  Snatch.  Now if I hear another word about chips GW I’ll ……..  But Gideon you’ve got it all wrong ……..

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1 Response to Saudi Arabia’s return to ‘moderate, open Islam’

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