Notts Warriors: Still Calling ”Them” Out In 2017

Published on 20 Oct 2017

Barry Truth
Just heard on the news that ‘‘they” are going to be able to remove extreme content from the Internet within two hours of it being uploaded, Amber Rudd is in charge of that little job. And I can only think ”they” are referring to the ”truth movement”
when they say extremism.

Boys in blue nail varnish is dis-gender. Dumbing down of masculinity. Men are no longer allowed to be strong men they must be made into girls. Makes them easier to control. The technocrats cannot have testosterone charged males in their snowflake global society. Hence recent legislation criminalizing your speech about any criticism or opinion you may have about mental screwups that call themselves transgender. Feminists are being used as weapons to slam down masculine behaviour in the male with the shackles of sexism. Here’s a classic example. “Teenage boys wear skirts to school”

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