Mainstream German Reporter: “Journalists Are Employed CIA Agents” (

Published on 9 Oct 2014

In an interview with RT last week Udo Ulfkotte shocked viewers by stating he and countless other reporters — in Europe, the US, and basically every other country in the world — are bought mouthpieces for the CIA.

1 day ago (edited)
Incredible. Is this guy still Alive?? I would Love to see a ‘no holds barred’ interview with this guy by John Pilger.. Here’s some more ‘ammo’ on Just How Significant a role the ‘CFR’ plays in all this, for any that might not know yet..

Died Heart Attack 13 January 2017 RIP.

Most, if not All, of the ‘News’ from the MSM is pure hardcore propaganda / disinfo, and they are straight-up NWO Cartel Puppets, via the ‘CFR’.. Ever see this? Bombshell condemnation of the MSM.. and right from the horses arse (..NWO heavyweight / CIA-teat- suckling Jeff Bezos’ beloved ‘WaPo’..)

..’Ruling Class’ Journalists??!! That, right there, is So wtF, that I cannot believe they still exist.. Just goes to show just how ‘pwned’ we’d become, via our ‘Propaganda boxes’ (tv), ‘news’papers ..and now, ‘Social Media’….Here’s Another Bombshell exposé of the CFR: ..Read the testimony of CFR-quitter Admiral Chester Ward.. O_O …In part:

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