Time To Tell FakeBook To ”Take a Hike!”

”Electrician Tim Cox, 54, was given the nickname “English” at school and has been using it on his profile since he signed up to the site nine years ago.

But it has now been removed by Facebook chiefs after a complaint from a fellow user.

The site says the word “English” represents a violation of its policies on fake names, despite other profiles using the names of mass murderers like Peter Sutcliffe or Osama Bin Laden.”  http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/869234/Patriot-banned-English-name-Facebook-profile-social-media-Tim-Cox

So you are allowed 72 different gender choices but can´t claim yourself as being English… This is the madness we now live in.

MSM censored by deep state and the internet censored by the people who run it. No freedom of speech or expression we live in dangerous times.

ManfromPem – > tonydartford
I agree tonydartford. Have you also noticed the proliferation of these ‘ancestry kits’ where they check your DNA to see if you are part Viking part Wiganer.

Another clever way of harvesting ‘very’ personal information and part way to getting their idealism of a national DNA database – oh! at our own expense as well.

I had a facebook account and quickly realised that it is a dangerous system and “closed” the account.

At one point I signed up for another account on a “social” website and they activated the facebook account which I thought I had deleted.

It turns out that they keep all of your information, once you have signed up whatever information they have on you they keep.

My guess is that many people, especially youngsters will at some point regret ever signing up to it.

I know of a woman who when young posted a naked photo of herself elsewhere and it was referenced on facebook without her knowledge, she found that a copy of the photo was being circulated around her office and amongst her so-called friends. She is very distressed about it and there is nothing she can do now, it will be with her for te rest of her life.

Lynmar – > skoobydob
Some potential employers also look people up on Faceache.

GW: ”Sugarberg” is actually Jacob Greenberg – Rockafella’s Grandson–  and no he didn’t invent the platform in his bedroom on his diddybiddems.  He had a lotta help from the CIA. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/2geokf/mark_zuckerberg_is_jacob greenberg_is_grandson_of/

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