Prof. Tony Hall suspended without pay at University of Lethbridge (10/5/16)

Jeremy Rothe-Kushel
Published on 5 Oct 2016

Alfred S
The perpetrators will continue on their psychopathic trajectory until they will murder all opposition. This is what they did in the “Soviet Union”. Jews who remain silent now may well be perceived as “guilty because of their silence and association to the perpetrators”. Stand up for truth. Truth can not be stopped with repression in the digital age.

marsh collins(edited)
911 was an illusion, mass hypnosis by controlled mass media. Is the spell weakening after 15 years? People who watch 911 building clips, can see they are exploding and imploding. People with a conscience, independant researchers, scientists, journalists, deep state leakers, and normal thinking people are sick of liars and their lies.

We need to talk about 911. B’nai B’rith is afraid Professor Hall will, show the facts, snap his fingers and say, WAKE UP!!! Tony Hall can hold his head up. Sadly and predictably the liars(terrorists) are exacting a price for the truth he dares speak.

Truth, acceptable for Canadian Professors and Students, is dictated by secret societies like B’nai B’rith who buy their power over Canadians and exercise it in secret meetings, with dirty deals, threats and bribes.

I was told that Canada was a free country with human rights, freedom of expression, academic freedom. If it ever existed we have let it slip through our fingers, through apathy and tolerance for liars. We are now passing even bigger lies to our children.

Tried and convicted with no due process , no transparency , no public funded CBC platform to defend himself.

CBC is Nothing but a deep state propaganda tool, psychological warfare directed against the Canadians who pay for independent honest news service. CBC broadcasts and distributes false and misleading information. Deep State has a mindful eye over everything the public is allowed to see. CBC and CSIS were complicit in the ongoing coverup of 911 since day one. Penalties for violations of the CBC Act for false information are inadequate for the criminal participation in the coverup of a mass murder false flag, used to start wars that have killed millions. Treason charges! All senior personnel at CBC for the last 15 years are guilty! Any wonder why Professor Hall will not get a CBC platform to defend himself?

How does it affect kids when they learn it is all lies. What does that do to anyone. The 911 official narrative is a sick joke held up by tyrants, liars, murderers, and timid people whose silence is bought with job security, promotions, and blind unquestioning loyalty to an evil system that they fear even to question.

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