Make A Statement This Christmas With Some Anti Censorship Clothing

HEADLINES – delivered by John B Wells #820

John B. Wells
Published on 16 Oct 2017

Thinking about Christmas?

What might be really nice is a clothing line featuring protests about Goggle/JubeTube/FakeBook censorship.

Just sayin’.

Now let’s see.  What have we got instore so far? Clickety Clickety Click Click Click.


Gosh no-one’s got a product with that FakeBook thumbs down on it yet.

I’d personally pay good money for a hoodie with that thing on it.

Gideon?????  Topple Topple Topple.  Yaaah.  Thump.  Hobble Hobble Hobble.

What is it now GW.  I was just putting all that other stuff you got out yesterday back in the attic.  You remember GW.  Well Gideon that was yesterday.  I’ve got a better idea.

Gideon?  Yes GW. How much do you know about screen printing?  Well GW I did a bit of it when I was at College, why?

Well Gideon I’ve got this idea for ………..  Sigh ….. Yes GW. Burble Burble Burble. Yes GW.  Burble Burble Burble. Oh I see GW……. Phew

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