Getting rid Of ”The Globalist Weeds”

The Many Tentacles Of Globalism – How The New World Order Enslaves Us

We need ”Trickle Down Collectivism” do we?  People pay more attention to Hollyweird?  What? When did we last book cinema tickets?  Can’t remember.  Common TAP.  Leave it out.  The Globalists must be suffering from some sort of mental illness to be harbouring so much hate.  Now you’re talking.

Charles Ponzi
The best way to get rid of a weed is to pull it out from the roots.

(((Who owns and controls mainstream media?)))
(((Who controls Hollywood?)))
(((Who controls the banks?)))
(((Who controls the Federal Reserve?)))
(((Who controls the universities and educational system?)))
(((Who controls the political leaders and political parties?)))
(((Who pretends to be our friend yet always looks after its own self-interest?)))
(((Who is pushing for mass migration of Muslims into Europe?)))
(((Who keeps pushing for multiculturalism in other countries yet protects its own citizens with a wall?)))

Gary Arnold
Some great verifiers that repeat the intentions and long laid goals. Pulling the plug on the United Nations and ending the political treason of the network of foundations would go a long way.  Most “Community Foundations” are generators of controlling people and their speech.

Globalism equals a totalitarian dictatorship of absolute power over everyone and everything, which equals slavery, this sums it up for me by TA Lawrence, Men fight for liberty and win it with hard knocks, their children brought up easy let it slip away again poor fools ,and their grandchildren are once more slaves.

Nick Sofialakis (edited)
The silver bullet for the Globalists is to educate the ignorants who join the army without any fair geopolitical knowledge and logical reason. The Globalists are fully depending on 1) Androids. 2) $$$$$$$$$. 3) Resources 4) Technologies.Take the one out of the four and you’ll paralyse the wicked Beast for ever!!!

Alice Fortyfive
What globalists seem to not understand is no matter how hard they
1 pull for individuals to be fired and financially ruined,
2 deceptively work to have people removed from office,
3 try to force national laws to be changed in favor of globalism,
4 intentionally try to cause division in the country
5 strong-arm the media to promote their agenda.
6 make Christianity look intolerant and evil

They are wasting their time.  Globalism will not be a reality until ”Revelations” is enacted. Then they can have their 7 years of short-lived globalism. And after the counterfeit king (anti christ) has been removed from power
the Real King of this world will take his place on his throne.
Who is that king you ask? It’s Jesus Christ.

Fear No Man 242

Fear No Man 242
Testing removing the banks is already beginning. They’ve started removing from the Caribbean whilst devaluing everyone’s currency and forcing cruel IMF measures like not paying government workers. It’s called de-risking.

20 May 2016

De-risking: managing money-laundering risk

cindy garay (edited)
Yes, the Internet Transfer was a MASSIVE Play by the NWO! I believe this was phase 2, phase 1 being 9/11! That’s how HUGE this was! And it WILL be Privatized! It’s Sky-Net! And yes, FEMA is the Real Power in an Emergency!

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