All Children Matter

Ghost X Channel
Published on 12 May 2017

New Code Word “Pig” Found on the Wikileaks Podesta Emails #Pizzagate
Carolyn Limaco
Published on 13 May 2017

All i keep thinking about is Hostel Tarantino. I think all the killers in it are actually based on real elites.
For example In part 2 the satanist brunette that kills the sweet dopey lookin girl is actually the skanky artist Marina-vich .
In 1 the freak that touches that guy’s leg on the train is fuck9ng David Attenborough.
Megan and Jennifer. Those two. I look at their eyes and see evil twisted bitches.
Once Tarantinos m0vies were my favourites. Now I’m thinking he is exactly the same as are the characters in his films – crazy sick mutts.
Seriously we are taking all this pretty damb well considering knowing what it is they are actually talking about. Can you believe there are people. Kids ffs literally in a dungeon as we type getting hammered to death, eaten and vanished.
This can’t be true this can’t be true this can’t be true.
On a lighter note, I got a puppy today. He is the most beautiful thing in the world.
PS. I love your vids, a lot of your subscribers too. If any of you find yourselves in Adelaide Australia. We got a mayor that needs talking to.

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