Greening ”Enraged”About A Clive Lewis Joke

That face looks a bit ”Je ne c’est quoi” Justine.  Feeling a bit shifty?

”The Women and Equalities Minister has urged Jeremy Corbyn to condemn remarks made by Labour MP Clive Lewis.

The Norwich South politician was caught on camera saying “Get on your knees b**** to an actor at an event organised by Momentum, alongside the Labour Party conference last month.

The comments were said to have been made in jest but provoked widespread criticism from across the political spectrum.” ”

Did Justine Greening stand up for Sarah Champion?

Breathless selective outrage is the exclusive privilege of the left wing snowflake hypocrites.

In transport Greening made a total hash of a Rail Franchise it cost tax payers £50 million quid and she KEPT her job she can talk? short term memory I suppose?

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