UK Column News 17 October 2017

@ George Greek Trucker
Completing the Banking Union and developments in Spain

This is full Military Schengen for all of us and a full tax system across the board and TeasMade is agreeing to the whole lot!

No scrutiny or debate in Westminster and no Royal assent!

Remember that the Queen was in Parliament without her Crown – this is a criminal cabal running our country and we will soon be having foreign troops on OUR soil without a shot being fired!

Barnier is a co-author of all this and note that TeasMade met with both Junker & Barnier.  They have said banking union must be complete and then that’s it.  They will then set a single point budget.

This is the rise of the 4th Roman Empire where UK will be just another colony.

How do you make a country vulnerable?  Well you destroy their defence forces.

Disgraced female commander of Navy warship quits service with big pay-off after being removed from post over alleged affair with junior officer

Commander of Nuclear Submarine removed for having an affair with female officer

Woman officer accused of having sex on board a nuclear-armed submarine is identified as Naval comrades threaten to resign

Captain Calamity, Whitehaven, United Kingdom
It always surprises me when the PC brigade tries to dismiss thousands of years of evolution to fit the warped outlook from some left wing academic whose life skills have been taken from a dusty copy of a Karl Marx book…. if you mix sexes in confined spaces, they will find a way.

We were warned by an Ex KGB Officer about how we in the West would be subverted.

Common Purpose & banks at the back of all of this?

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