Philip Hammond and George Osborne ‘plotting to sabotage Brexit’ over a lobster dinner

Osborne is a Bilderberg puppet, who once again attended this year’s meeting. He’s bitter because he was the ‘Chosen One’ meant to replace Cameron as PM, which is why he despises Mrs May so much, because she has his job.
He was an architect of ‘Project Fear’ intended to scare the British people to stay herded within the EU sheep pen, and which act of national suicide would have allowed him to finally nail shut the coffin lid of a dead sovereign nation-state UK; its lifeless body buried alongside other former independent European nation states, all held within the Soviet Socialist style EU mausoleum, watched over by smug, publicly unelected, Bureaucrat Commissars, feasting and gorging themselves on others’ wealth.
However, the heart of the UK is still beating, so the duty of ‘burying’ Brexit was handed to Hammond, the ‘undertaker’, the pro-EU Establishment’s appointed apparatchik tasked with sabotaging the Brexit great escape from the EU Gulag, and sapping the will of Brexiteers to continue their struggle for freedom.
The sheer extent of corruption, treachery and deceit being committed against all the people of Europe by this cabal of wannabe tyrants and their lackeys is staggering in its depth, ruthlessness and evil intent.

Meanwhile please sign the petition “Leave the EU immediately”.
We are halfway there. Keep the pressure on.

In 1974 Ted ” hello sailor”Heath, put us in the Common Market without a mandate, since that time subsequent PMs have made deals with Europe, without consulting the people,
This is why we are in this mess,
After the referendum result we should have withdrawn from this so-called European Union, the following day,
The world and his uncle knows there will never be a deal, to suit all countries on Brexit.

You are judged by the company you keep and they don’t come much lower than Osborne— well into the Blair league.

GW: A right pair of crustaceans.

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