‘Dementia tax’ being ‘resurrected’ as MP claims young should not PROP UP old who own homes


GW: D Cameron seemed to have fore-knowledge about increased ”Dementia” in the population. Could it have something with the spraying of aluminium particulate over the population in the name of ”geo-engineering”? They even claim ”Dementia” kills?????

Well lookie here – tptwtb have finally found Cameron a job. What a coincidence!

David Cameron announced as President of Alzheimer’s Research UK


Rabmac1 – > league13
Any Government that wants to resurrect the ‘Death Tax’, and make people sell their homes to pay for care, is supporting a policy that, very probably, caused the latest Election Result.

That and the re-introduction of Fox Hunting. These 2 things cost dear.

No, the NHS is supposed to be Cradle to Grave, and if that means increasing Tax then so be it.

Young People have far less chance of buying a house without a small inheritance. Small is ensured by Inheritance Tax aka Death Duties.

I’m a pensioner, I’m paying tax, so I’m funding Family allowance and economic imm grants and the international NHS, sortt them out first before you start charging people who have paid into the tax pot for many, many years, unlike those mentioned.

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