Hillary Clinton attacks Brexit voters’ ‘SMALL VILLAGE’ ideas that reject ‘modern future’


BrookeHouska – > Brexitalltheway
It’s a verifiable fact that the Clintons have taken millions from other rulers and various nabobs recently — this would never have been known if not for the email hack. They are a mouthpiece and wrecking ball for whichever hostile foreign actor pays the most.

So the wicked witch of the west has spoken, now we all know we made the right choice when we voted to leave.

Hillary was for continuing the USA sign up to the NWO, following through with Obama’s legacy. She is really, really annoyed that Brexit showed the US that they were also on the same route.
Our relatively unrepresented silent majority in little old UK had a rare opportunity given to us and just for once we shouted out loud that we did not agree with the direction of travel set us by the politicians in the UK and the EU.
Whether Brexit had any significant influence at all on the US elections is not clear but the unrepresented silent majority in the USA also found their voice and voted against NWO.
Historians will draw their own conclusions.

Wouldn’t trust the Clintons an inch. I often wonder how it is that on leaving office they were broke, then behold suddenly multi-millionaires. Strange. Let’s face it they are no strangers to lying. Afterall wasn’t it Bill who said, ‘I did not have sexual relations with that woman’. At least I can stand in my shoes comfortably, which is more than can be said for this pair.

macj02 – > hdl
don’t forget all those people who have mysteriously died for being too close to the Clintons

This gets better and better. An alleged murderer – Clinton is telling the British public we got it wrong. Are you going to bump us off like all the people who were close to you or saw the details? Latest count is 34 people murdered or died under dubious circumstances. It is all there on line folks.

The Clinton Foundation: the most self-serving use of cash for services rendered you will ever come across.

She and her husband are the ultimate globalist puppets for the world banking cabal

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