Getting Away From Goggle & JubeTube

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The Professor
1:38:30 “Is Google just military intelligence?” asks Mark. I wasn’t sure from the tone of voice if that was meant as a rhetorical question or not. Be that as it may, the answer to the question is that Google is most certainly military intelligence. CIA created Google, and then Google created NSA. So it’s all completely intertwined. As for the “just” part of Mark’s question, the obvious answer is no, Google isn’t only military intelligence but also fills a number of other functions in addition to its military core purposes.

All corporate behemoths are rooted in military intelligence. Even big-box retailer like Walmart have contracts with the Department of Defense and related outfits that provide the base funding. This base funding creates the competitive edge which tilts the market in favour of these sponsored corporations. They don’t grow that big that fast for no reason. It’s all rigged in their favour, always has been. No level playing field as far as the eye can see.

The notion of “free-market capitalism” is the joke of the century, and past centuries too for that matter. There is no such thing, never was. It’s all just lies and propaganda, always was. Adam Smith’s famous “invisible hand” is just another expression for what conspiracy people call the “hidden hand”, a.k.a. the secret world government. When Mark talks about “global governance”, he’s just talking about the many-headed beast coming out of the sea, i.e. emerging from its submerged position and coming into full view for all to see. It’s the spectacle of our time. We’re watching in astonishment: “How could we not have seen this decades ago?” The few who did were labelled nutters.

In case you haven’t read these articles on “How CIA made Google” and “Why Google made the NSA”, make sure to do so promptly.

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