EU infighting ERUPTS: Merkel and Macron block Brexit to STOP Barnier succeeding Juncker

Merkel and Macron…! Are they actually officials of the EU…err no, they are not. Just shows that the EU is really run by the Franco/Prussians. Out now, very soon it will be too late. The remoaners will be ringing their bells only to be wringing their hands later on.

history counts – > history-fun
The EU budget could not be signed off on the auditors for as long as I remember,

Apparently the auditors say the accounts are accurate and have been since 2007, but they record significant errors in how money is paid, and this has been the case since 1995.

So the accounts had they been a normal company would have landed them in court at the very least. Perhaps we should refuse to talk about any payments until the accounts have been signed on and we know for certain were the money is going and has gone since 1995.

At a press conference David Davis needs to let it be known the UK have again requested the alleged bill be presented by Barnier. Itemised of course. Then sit back and wait. How long would it take for them to write a fictitious bill, with all the relevant signed documents of course? Because it wouldn’t take Whitehall long to pull it to pieces. And that threat would then be out of the way. I wonder what they will think of next.

swale1 – > Rosemary Pearson
their recent demands were totally ripped apart by a junior analyst a couple of weeks ago.  the eu is still smarting over such an embarrassment.

Furthermore, they hate the fact we Brits do not simply bend over and allow ourselves to be shafted (like Ireland did).

What they the EU are after is nothing short of an gigantic bung to fill their pockets ,time to give them the old Agincourt salute I think, we should not be held to ransom by these petty thieves .They do not even have the honour of a common street gang.

Twice we have had to deal with the Germans by force of arms ,and have whilst doing so have been attacked and fired on by Vichy French.Its time our now spineless leadership learned the lessons of history some of us have not forgotten ,that is neither of these nations are our true friends or ever where .Toughen your stance and get on with it the rest of the world is watching and gloating over your weakness.

Makes you wonder who Actually is Merkal/ Macron working for?

I have just read in another newspaper that the port of Zeebrugge is dreading a no-deal scenario. Why on earth are they not getting onto Belgian politicians backs and they, in turn, bending Brussels’ ears? Ironic, the fact that verhofstedt himself is Belgian and he seems so blinded by the EU project.

Merkel will be our mortal enemy, when her new eu storm troopers are at her beck and call. Germany was to small to win ww2. Now she has many slave nations to order to her fourth reich. As for may, she’s a pimple on thatchers backside. A gutless immigration far that thinks foreign aid is what britain was born to export.  Oh Dear.

I remember some remainers harping on about the EU Commission team would have the say in what was happening in the negotiations, however it seems they are told what to do by Germany and France and dare to disobey and you will not be selected as the next President.….wait did not someone say the Presidents were democratically chosen…..yet here it seems that they are selected by 2 out of 28 nations.

I can see what the EU call its democratic deficit.

Yes after we have left, we can adjust our taxes, tariffs etc to suit circumstances, those in the EU cannot, which is why the ECB is printing money like there is no tomorrow, sadly this will just lead to inflation.

So our economy after Brexit can heal itself. For instance as Ireland will soon have to increase its Corporation Tax, the UK can lower hers…sorry Ireland!

If the EU imose tariffs on UK goods to the EU for transshipping to the rest of the world , it will become cheaper to send them direct and Rotterdam will lose business, sorry Rotterdam…but hey! more jobs for the UK container ports like Crosby or Southampton.

Now without UK contributions to the EU budget, said budget will have to shrink, so less money to hand out to farmers etc. Denmark, Poland and Italy (no doubt Greece as well) has already said they will not increase their contributions after Brexit.

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