Phil-Lee-stein TC Justice Minister thinks UK ‘too selfish to look after elderly and should follow Jewish, Muslim or Hindu example’

Phil Lee ToriCon Justice Minister: Get that hair cut Phil & get ”On that bike” – as Mr Tebbit would say.

Justice Minister Philip Lee should ask himself whether families expect the state to look after elderly relatives because 20 to 40 years ago the government decided it would tax people’s pensions without giving several years notice to allow them to save. So if you take our elderly parents income through taxes – but hand out benefits far greater than the state pension to unemployed gimme grants – the government should take some responsibility surely?

Euroloons  Edited
By UK I take it you mean the white indigenous? More racism and giving us an inferiority complex as they tell us how wonderful the others are. But large family groups are more capable of caring. Small fragmented divorced family groups cant so easily. We have been told to focus on a career and leave marriage until later since the 60s. Divorce became fashionable. Having fun and not kids was pushed as being best. These cultural marxist values that destroyed us are conveniently ignored while you tell us how pathetic we are. Add to that rip off pension schemes that never delivered and the OAPs can’t look after themselves and their kids are too poor to do it either. Blame corporations and governments. We paid our taxes for an NHS and carer system to take the responsibility. Our families have been scattered across numerous fragmented communities and individuals isolated by social restructuring. The system has failed us all.

“From Cradle to Grave” was the battle-cry, as was “More Women in the Workplace” and also “2 is enough” (remember that ?) Yes we have all paid 40 years worth of NI subs – so where’s the stuff we paid for?  Send Phil an invoice or a demand for refund of fees paid due to breaking of contract.

The Government is hypocritical on all counts – they urged us to have less children than the actual population replacement number, in order to stop the “Population Explosion” – a stable population was the goal. Successive Governments did NOTHING to deal with the temporary demographic bump this would cause, and now berate us for being too “selfish” to have had children – hence the need for immigration.

Now, after telling us all to get out and work, include new mothers, they tell us we are too selfish to stay home and look after out older generation.

These claims are simply to cover Government short-sightedness and lack of planning. No joined-up thinking whatsoever.

No honour based crimes in my English Christian family, I’m delighted to say.

Yes we could all do more, but it needs remembering the government has been imposing cutbacks on all areas of social care in the UK while sending piles of money abroad. It just goes to show how far out of touch Justice Minister Philip Lee is with society today.

GW:  Tptwtb build an economic model where it takes 2 full time incomes to run a family unit.  The youngsters often have to move far from their parents in search of work or because they can’t afford the house prices; they have to pay childcare to cope; tptwtb tax them to death to pay for all those who have come here with no intention of working or paying for their keep; tptwtb offshore all their wealth so THEY don’t pay any tax; tptwtb make sure none of their big business allies pay minimum tax as well; and then they turn around and blame those very tax paying youngsters for not looking after their elderly parents.  Pheert!

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