Luke Wright: ‘Once You Clear The Bodies’

Once You Clear The Bodies

“There’s a group of UK business people, wonderful guys … And they literally have a brilliant vision to turn Sirte … into the next Dubai. The only thing they’ve got to do is clear the dead bodies away and then they’ll be there.” – Boris Johnson, British Foreign Secretary, September 2017

Come now, native, wipe that tear
all’s not lost, this time next year
we’ll build a shopping centre here
well, once you clear the bodies.

Bring on the low-tax Costa Blanco
BoJo’s on it! Chin-up, sambo!
What you want’s a brand new Nando’s
once you clear the bodies.

That’s it! Swap that spear for lucre!
Get some air con. Splendid. Super.
Apple. Gucci. Rayban. Uber.
Once you clear the bodies.

I feel for you, hey, I’ve read Brooke.
War’s a horrid thing, now look,
it’s British Airways! Thomas Cook!
Once you clear the bodies.

So grab a broom! Yes, quickly please
We’ll bring ol’ Blighty’s expertise.
No, me no speako Bongo-ese.
Just clear the bloody bodies.

The friendly guns have done their bit.
Shock doctrine strikes! Now dig that pit!
We’ll build a massive mall right here, and you can work in it.
Once you clear the bodies.

© Luke Wright. 4.10.17

Thanks to Dr Rachel Clarke @Doctor_Oxford for the link.

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