Dr. John Cooper Clarke, Hugh Cornwell – Johnny Remember Me

Published on 15 Oct 2016

”Cooper Clarke lives in Essex with his French wife of 22 years, Evie; they have a daughter at college. It’s not his first marriage, but he won’t tell me how many times he’s been married. “Let’s gloss over that. I don’t want to sound like some tragic Hollywood type. I’m a romantic.” He pauses. “I don’t like the idea of deflowering an unmarried woman.”

Instead, he tells me how he and Evie met, on Friday 13 November, and how they bonded over Baudelaire. “I had this translation of Les Fleurs du Mal. I love Charles Baudelaire. Him and Shakespeare are the only people I think are better than me. When I finally met the wife, languages were her thing. So I said, ‘Is that a good translation?’ And she said, ‘I couldn’t imagine a better translation.'” And that was that.” https://www.theguardian.com/music/2012/may/29/john-cooper-clarke-punk-poet-interview

John Cooper Clarke ”I was dead interested in Charles Baudelaire, and I tell you why I got into him- is because I got into Edger Allan Poe first. And it was because the first X rated film I sneaked into was Roger Corman’s The Fall of the House of Usher starring Vincent Price. I found all of Corman’s films based on Poe’s stories, terrifying. Then I got into reading his books and found the language wonderful.

Then I discovered that Baudelaire was Poe’s biggest champion in Europe, and had translated all his work into French. So I thought Baudelaire was fantastic, I checked him out as well, it’s funny how one thing leads to another.”  http://zani.co.uk/culture/456-john-cooper-clarke-in-conversation-with-zani

”I suppose the hair and the glasses came from Keith Richards. If I was to point to the most elegant man that ever lived, after Elvis, I’ve got to refer you to Keith outside Chichester Crown Court in 1967. That black jacket with pinstripe trousers and that pristine white shirt: that’s a good-looking man.”

ZZ Top-Sharp Dressed Man Lyrics


GW:  Well Keith Richards’ book is in the Library here at Watch Under the Willows if you’re intrested.

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