And now it’s Back to ”Big Brexit Breakfast”

TORY BREXIT SHOCK: Five cabinet ministers on verge of QUITTING over EU exit talks

The TCs making a proverbial ”dog’s breakfast” of Brexit negotiations.

All Remainers in No. 10 should be sacked! They are trying to destroy Brexit and what the people voted for. Out, Out, Out ! People like Hammond, Rudd, Soubry, Heseltine, Clarke and all the other traitors should have been sacked by May but she refuses because she is a Remainer herself.

The ToriCons sure are ”making a meal” of a relatively straightforward procedure i.e. leaving a room full of lizards and shutting the door. Really what’s the problem? Oh – so THAT’S IT – half of them are closet lizards as well.  Can we have someone who is sane organise it please?

Brexit: a tale of two cities

Richard North, 04/10/2017

”The only thing May seems to have to offer is a repetition of her dismal little mantra, declaring: “The question isn’t so much around this formal declaration of sufficient progress, the question is ‘are people now ready to think about what future partnership between the EU and UK will be?'” She adds: “We have to get to that at some point, I believe it’s possible to get to a good, deep and special partnership because it’s good not just for the UK, but it’s good for the EU as well”.

And that really is all she seems to have. We’ll get a good deal “because it’s good not just for the UK, but it’s good for the EU as well”. Like many others, the lady does not seem to realise just how little the “colleagues” actually care. “The future is not Brexit, it is Europe”, says Juncker.

Johnson, on the other hand, says that Britain must stop treating Brexit as if it is a “plague of boils” and instead “roar” like a lion about the opportunities it presents.

But, as the Telegraph parades on its front page Johnson’s picture under the headline, “The Roaring Lion”, it is not to Dickens but to Shakespeare and the Duke of Albany in King Lear to whom we must turn. “Wisdom and goodness to the vile seem vile”, says Albany: “Filths savour but themselves”.”

Anonymous 2 A. Blakely • 
As someone who used to make my living negotiating European legislation, I regret to advise you that I think things are probably going to get a lot worse yet. That was generally the dynamic – for things to get utterly fraught before the final denouement. The nightmare that haunts me here is the idea that we may never reach the end-point – just go on negotiating for ever like people going round one of the circles of

Dante’s Inferno – >

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