John RentoKill: If Theresa May wants to stay, she knows she can – because they can’t get rid of her yet

Crazy Hippie
What a party of serial assassins these Tories are: Thatcher, John Major, IDS, then Cameron… all brought down by stratagems and intrigues… an unbroken trail of treachery stretching back decades.

Patrick McC
May should invite Boris to challenge her openly. What are the odds that fat boy will again duck the challenge?

Keep right on to the end of the road,
Keep right on to the end,
Tho’ the way be long, let your heart be strong,
Keep right on round the bend.

Tho’ you’re tired and weary still journey on,
Till you come to your happy abode,
Where all the love you’ve been dreaming of
Will be there at the end of the road.

Harry Lauder

Bill Edmunds
The Tories have been around the bend since 2010, so will probably opt for Boris the Clown.

Wakey Wakey Time UK
Ok for once ladies and gentlemen whichever way we voted leave or remain we must surely all agree no way on this God given earth would we want Amber Rudd as our PM, for crying out loud a PM is at least supposed to have some brain cells or something about them, she has got no chance.

The EU will make it as difficult and expensive as possible to leave,no matter if Attila the Hun was PM. It is not a democratic,voluntary trade organization as so many people fondly imagine it is. The British government -even the Queen-signed away much of our constitutional rights,without correct consultation with the British government. Margaret Thatcher didnt want to be part of this,thats why she was expelled. Britain has signed the Mastricht Treaty, and the Treaty of Rome,both binding agreements. The referendum was the wrong way round,it should have come before the government decided to change our constitution.

Over on the Torygraph, which is usually well informed about the insider politics of the Conservative party, there is a story about a group of 30+ and growing MPs who hope to confront May “before the weekend”.

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