‘We won – not Corbyn’ – Boris Johnson backs May. No You didn’t BoZo- You took 17 days to ”fix it” & lied to the Queen.


GW:  And the ToriCons are hailing BoZo for his ”Lions Roar” speech?  More like a cat’s meow.

Speaking of cats – What’s Larry got to say about BoZo?  Well Larry’s picked up on yet another crass comment from BoZo at a fringe event in Manchester.

Larry the Cat @Number10cat:  ”Calling him “Boris” makes him sound like a friend; deeply offensive comments like this are made by ”a Johnson”…”

The Spanish must take their hands off Gibraltar’s throat by B Johnson http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/gibraltar/10236507/The-Spanish-must-take-their-hands-off-Gibraltars-throat.html


Replying to @Number10cat
”So glad I left Spain now all we have to do is get rid of barmy Boris and Teresa fields of wheat May – oh Jeremy Corbyn!”


Boris Johnson slapped down by Theresa May’s right-hand man as he tries to shift blame for his ‘dead bodies’ gaffe


My God. I’m a Conservative through and through, but I find this shameful beyond belief. The comments were made as an appalling attempt at a joke – totally inappropriate and wholly unfunny – and if people at senior level in my party don’t have the guts to see it for what it was and are too weak to deal with it, then shame on them. I wonder what they would have said if he’d made the ‘joke’ about Manchester, Borough Market or Grenfell Tower? His attempt to subsequently justify the comments as serious – when he laughed and there was laughter in the room (albeit somewhat embarrassed laughter) are disgusting. May must deal with it or my vote and my party membership are lost. (along with the next general election)

Wesley Pegden
He cannot be sacked, he would tear the Tory party apart. He doesn’t give a damn for the Tory party or the country, thinks and acts only for himself.

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