The embattled FS BoZo Johnson gets himself embroiled in an ”Akbar” moment courtesy of Labour Left

Boris Johnson’s curry was ambushed last night when fellow diners broke into chants of “Oh Jeremy Corbyn !”

The Foreign Secretary retreated to Akbar’s round the corner from the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester.

He was probably hoping for a quiet night after causing a storm with a gaffe about “dead bodies”.

But Johnson didn’t count on the left-wing Communication Workers’ Union (CWU)  picking the same restaurant.

He can be seen trying his best to ignore chants.

A source said: “He was in a private area then sneaked out the fire exit when people sang – “He sneaked straight out – I’m not sure he had even finished.”

While he was eating, a row was growing over remarks the Foreign Secretary made immediately beforehand to a fringe at the Tory conference.

The Foreign Secretary wrote a string of midnight tweets after he claimed a Libyan city has a bright future – as soon as they “clear the dead bodies away”.

The ”Oh Jeremy” Song the CWU Were Singing

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