Eurozone DEBT bubble to BURST: ECB asks banks to ‘set aside cash’ to cover €1TRN bad debt

EUROZONE banks have been ordered to hold billions of pounds worth of extra cash amid fears toxic loans within the block could plunge lenders into a fresh debt crisis.

ECB = European Counterfeit Bank.

Snarler – > Timmpa
Extremely Corrupt Brussels?

derekstuart2016 – > Snarler
Everyone’s Completely Boll**ed?

Now we know why they are trying to screw us with the ransom

The Euro Zone banks will fall like domino’s or trees

The Italian debt has been hanging over the ECB for a few years and it is also tied up with German banks, so if Italy goes critical so will Germany.

PaulJWeighell Edited
But surely the eu and eurozone are intransigent in their solidarity to support the integrity of the single market – so long as it doesn’t actually involve tackling any real problems like border controls or festering toxic bank debts.

The US and UK dealt with our toxic bank debts years ago whilst all Brussels did was ignore it. My amusement was tickled when I read that the banks at risk have another 7 years to sort it out. Gosh how the eurozone moves with decision and speed when it needs to huh?

Germany’s Deutsche Bank holds nearly €900 BILLION in bad debt…..
The ECB nearly £5 TRILLION….
Not to mention the TRILLIONS just between Spain and Italy

The eu is trying to fix a high speed high impact car crash with cellotape again.

But not to worry- remainers will claim all is well.

In 2001, the Financial Times predicted that Greece in particular was set to draw huge benefits from Eurozone membership. “With Greece now trading in euros, few will mourn the death of the drachma,” it predicted. “Membership of the Eurozone offers the prospect of long-term economic stability.”

This same Financial Times backs UK REMAINING in the EU!

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2 Responses to Eurozone DEBT bubble to BURST: ECB asks banks to ‘set aside cash’ to cover €1TRN bad debt

  1. tonytran2015 says:

    Every few years, we all over the world must contribute to rescue the International Private Banks. It must be a First Class International SCAM.

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