Displaced Persons in Ventimiglia – Part iii

Trench Foot.

Hundreds of displaced people, including scores of unaccompanied minors, subject to ‘terrifying’ conditions in Italian city of Ventimiglia amid intensified border controls

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These migrants have displaced themselves, then put themselves into the situation described by leaving the reception centres in Italy voluntarily. The women with children have likely and hopefully gone back there where there is food and shelter. British local authorities are facing costs of £50000 a year to look after unaccompanied ‘children’ who get here until they are 25, no doubt similar cost in France, no wonder they don’t want them, the cost is crippling and potentially no limit to numbers who come. Enough already, this can’t go on like this, write articles with practical solutions, ask for donations to finance decent camps in north Africa but stop with the violins there is no golden future for them here despite what traffickers tell them or truth being unpalatable, time they looked to force changes for a better future in their homelands not the promised land.

Hordes of violent, misogynistic, uneducated men from safe countries invading Europe for a life of free handouts are not ‘refugees’ – whether or not they are pretending to be children.  Fraid so Bluebottle – fraid so.

Tom North London
There is nothing wrong with moving to another country in search of work and better conditions. People have always done it. Don’t be callous. You would do the same.

someone who used to be someone else
Within the laws of the country. I have moved to Spain, before I did it I worked out what I needed to do, how much money I would have. I have bought a house, I pay taxes, I speak the language. That is called immigration. Trolling up empty-handed and demanding hand outs is not the same thing.

Will any MP ever stand up and admit that the dubs, cooper-balls approach to dealing with this problem and encouraging more people to head for Europe and particularly England was stupid. Even the most uneducated, unracist of us knew years ago that the kinder transport nonsense that Dubs was spouting was just emotional blackmail.

GW:  The ”balls” part of the cooper-balls outfit is a Bilderberger and thus totally signed up to Kalergi & Co.

My Italy is being destroyed. My small town in Southern Italy is now encouraging Uneducated, African illegals to settle. They will want what they have not got, there are tensions already with beggars who stand in front of the local supermarkets, with no work for the locals, the future is not good for the next generation of young Italians who will feel angry at the way their Country has allowed thousands and thousands of illegals to land who will change the once beautiful Country to a third world.

It’s such a divisive situation,The whole illegal immigrant thing ! We all know these people are not “genuine” migrants,they come from countries in Africa that are corrupt,poor,discriminating if you are from the wrong tribe,most are war-torn either from militias or despots,there is absolutely no future and with modern tech and comms these days everyone has internet and they can see that there is a chance to better their lives by taking full advantage of the welfare states of Europe.For them taking that chance,no matter what the risk ,is worthwhile.

On the other hand,Europeans are sick and tired and fed up with all these illegals.Millions of whom are muslims,and it’s muslims that are killing,maiming,grooming and raping. Gangs of Somalis and Ethiopians and Nigerians (and many others) causing all sorts of issues. The proverbial bucket is overflowing and as one would expect there is a reaction. We see neo nazi’s raising their ugly heads, fools like Farage actually being listened to, Le Pen, Orban, all the same, but there is also a huge groundswell of ordinary people who say “enough is enough” !

Our Governments are to blame for this ridiculous situation, NGO’s, rags like this one that continually play the “bleedin hearts/do gooder’s” card , meanwhile these illegals suffer here, and the local populations, especially where there are huge numbers of these “migrants” who have been allowed in, born here etc etc ,live. The ruling class elitists and their lap dogs the politicos don’t have to live in these “migrant areas,” just poor proles, who as usual are branded as racists because of the perceived unjust distribution of jobs, welfare and affordable housing. . .

Just as an addendum. . .a man from African descent has just killed two women at Marseilles train station by slitting their throats with a knife and shouting allahu akbar, daesh has claimed one of its soldiers carried out the attack.The man was a “migrant”, again.

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