Displaced Persons in Ventimiglia – Part ii


Even the Inde is going to struggle with the comments section on this one! These people are economic migrants – i suggest you have a conversation with a southern Italian – they HATE them.

Bring down Merkel, Macron and all those who are facilitating this Human trafficking under false pretenses.

someone who used to be someone else
They could go home, they could apply for asylum in Italy, they choose not to. The women and children are not safe in a red cross refugee camp because of the men there – says it all doesn’t it. If they cannot/ will not protect and respect their own why the hell should we want them?

You’re right this is awful, but what is the Independent’s plan for the next 10000 that come or the next 100000? They are in Europe illegally and the solution to this problem is to deport them.

As for the number under 18, how did they work that out? Immigrants know that under 18’s find it easier to stay, so they will claim to be under 18.

The solution is simple. Stop the boats, return the migrants, sink the boats. Fund refugee camps in North Africa and the Middle East. Problem solved.

Herman Munster
In the uk at 16 you are classed as a youth or a young adult, you go to college, sixth form or get a job. What i don’t understand is why the definition is changed to “children” when it concerns migrants, they are being called “children” when they are 21 years old, why are 21-year-old adult men being given foster places designated for actual children (under 16 is the definition of a child)

Robin Hood
Expensive trouble. Security is now costing billions per year in every European country to try to thwart the millions Merkel invited. Then look at the recent cases of grooming in Rochdale, Rotherham, Oxford and when the police catch up, every major town and city where these people reside. Get rid of the whole blurry lot of them. The NHS Crisis. Solved. The Housing Crisis. Solved. Traffic Congestion. Solved. Slavery and criminality. Solved. Benefit Crisis. Solved. Education crisis; Solved. The billions being wasted on security available for the Services or simply returned to the tax payers. Unemployable ‘third world’ immigrants are NOT a benefit to a ‘first world’ Country. Get rid and close the door.

GW: The NeoGlobalLibtards are salving their consciences and have the will but are not prepared to pay the taxes to back up their actions and the ordinary people who still pay tax haven’t got the money to fund this LibTard Agenda for them. End of.

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