Inside the Tory effort to win back the young: ‘We’re not even allowed to use the word cool now’

Remember Mark Clarke, Feldman & the bullying scandal? Being a young naive TC can be very unhealthy.

“Momentum was not an organisation created by Labour HQ, it grew up outside the party and was driven by its members. You can’t build a movement – you have to grow one.”

And that’s just the problem enthusing young Tories. The challenge in making non-political young people, or left leaning ones, see the Conservatives differently is even bigger.”

John B Ellis
“But even those tentative moves have met with muted approval in Manchester. The idea of a youth wing run from CCHQ even has senior ministers cringing.”

No wonder. The Tory party’s base is crusty middle England geriatrics. Start pandering to the folk under 45, and the geriatric vote will decamp sharpish to UKIP.

Then where would the Tories be?

Extinct hopefully?

John B Ellis
The way they’re currently going, that looks like a feasible outcome.

@John B Ellis
– and a most satisfactory one. This austerity they have forced on us has to have had some purpose.

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