Displaced Persons in Ventimiglia – Part i


The main crisis that has triggered the arrivals of thousands of migrants into Europe,is the lack of a single government in Libya preventing it. Gaddafi prevented this by blocking the Mediterranean route, and out politicians, and those of the US-especially Hillary Clinton and the CIA-armed rebels so that they could kill him. So why does the average European, most likely the poor of Italy and Greece, have to “share the burden” and have their most precious thing, their country, stolen from them, by people they owe nothing to?  Nor are the British public obliged to share their towns and resources with thousands of Africans. They might have voted for Cameron, but I don’t recall the removal of Gaddafi being on the election manifesto.

My family worked so hard to escape North Africa 20 years ago, My Father worked 2 jobs and saved his whole life so we could afford to leave that place and those people.
Now anyone can just jump in a boat land in Europe and become E.U citizens. We are seeing parts of Europe now resemble the slums of North Africa and it breaks our hearts.

Robin Hood
Nope. They are the soon to be the recruited foot soldiers of Merkel’s EU army. Young men. Many battle hardened. No allegiance to any European country or the indigenous population.

It’s a shame to see all of these doctors and engineers living rough. But illegal is illegal and you can’t work without the right paperwork. Silly to think you can. Time to go home me thinks.

on narrative
Agreed – the timing of this shill piece is telling – More stabbings, more attacks, countless rapes, most of which will go unreported – and yet it’s always the migrants who ‘live in terror.’

How many Europeans have to be served up as collateral damage for this failed experiment?

Robin Hood
As many as it takes to ensure the White Christian indigenous European is in the minority and if the Kalergi Plan proponents, Bliar, Merkel, Junkers, Tusk, Clinton, Sutherland, Schultz etc get their way it isn’t going to take long. Google the plan. What is happening will no longer be a mystery.

In my city of Vancouver in Canada the Mayor and his council have been trying to “eliminate homelessness” by giving free housing to the homeless. Yet each year when the homeless are counted, there are even more. The Mayor cannot understand this. “What could be attracting them here?” he muses.

You know what Indy! Twitt this to Mutti Merkel, she is the one whom opened the boarders and then pulled the Dublin agreement out of the hat which put Italy, Greece, Spain in this situation as being first port of entry in Europe for most refugees.
We do not want anymore migrants, sorry.

Robin Hood
I want a repatriation of at least 20 million. Then and only then will I feel it is safe to let my daughter walk home from school alone.

June 10, 2016
Weapon of Mass Migration | The US War on Europe – http://time-price-research-astrofin.blogspot.de/2016/06/weapons-of-mass-migration-us-war-on.html
It is all there Folks! Check it out! All the more reason to not accept anymore.

I have to ask the question, why must African ” refugees ” come to Europe? There are many safe countries in Africa, an enormous continent. Countries which share the same culture and religions of the refugees. Surely it would be a much better thing to settle Africans in Africa.

How odd that the French are so keen for us to take “refugees” from Calais yet aren’t inviting these poor people into France from Italy?

Italian and French police beating them? Spanish police beating Catalan nationalists? No wonder we’re leaving the EU if this is how the authorities behave – with violence.

Robin Hood
The french are taking them in by the tens of thousands. Building flats on just about every square meter of available land, bribing, bullying the mayors from one end of the country to the other. Not for the French, who sorely need them, but for the immigrants who turn pleasant, safe towns and villages to crime ridden hell holes.

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