Young people urged not to film terror attacks as campaigns tells them to Run, Hide and Tell – Wonder why?

Published on 30 Sep 2017

More and more people are finally waking up to their BS propaganda, the Parsons Green farce was a hoax too far for them it was so badly done. Especially so because any simpleton with even the most basic understanding of mathematics & can tell the time can work out in under 30 seconds that the timing of the event is IMPOSSIBLE.

Their alleged perpetrator couldn’t have possibly caught the train they state he did to Wimbledon and then connect with that District line train passing through Parsons Green. Their provided CCTV footage of him walking on the way to the railway station prove that as the timestamp is on it!!!!!!!! PMSL

Run, hide, tell?? Get lost! LOL

TheJahsoldier1 british military…soames..abel danger channel..puts it all together..nice mark..keep it up xx

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