Justin Welby: ”I’m not the Pope.”

Archbishop criticises BBC response to Jimmy Savile’s crimes:

”Last night on BBC R5Live Stephen Nolan took a phone call from an activist in the field of child abuse. She verbally, yet politely, destroyed Justin Welby following his comments about child abuse and the BBC:

He said: “I think we are a kinder society more concerned with our own failures, more willing to be honest where we go wrong in most of our institutions.”

She disagreed in the strongest terms. She described cases and situations neither the church nor the BBC will present on their flagship news programmes. She described her family as church going, but not anymore. Just this one caller suggested a massive problem not being addressed by church, BBC and certainly not parliament. Watch out for the forth coming Ted Heath report and subsequent damage limitation exercise. Share and support a brave police officer:

Open letter from Chief Constable Mike Veale – Operation Conifer

When she met and asked Justin Welby 2 years ago what he was going to do about the abuse within the church, he replied, “I’m not the Pope.”

The BBC now insist we register to listen again despite being a BBC license payer. I do not register. I do not want to submit who I am, where I am, what I am… they already have a bloody license fee! I would love to hear the call-in again and transcribe some of the commentary. She is a mother of 3 and her own children have been interfered with by school teachers at a church / Catholic run school. Her testimony was devastating.

The discussion went on for what seemed like 10 mins at least. It was dynamite. I expected the lines to go hot with callers in response. Instead Nolan went straight to a breaking story and another caller who had been asked to vacate a relatively quiet Old Street tube station platform by 2 paramilitary police armed with machine guns. The witness said he had not seen nor heard anything untoward. Outside were a dozen or more security vehicles… I have heard nothing since, but just searched and seems something happened:

Armed police evacuate Old Street station after reports of a ‘bang’ and man acting suspiciously on a Tube train

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