No Transition Period & No Surrender – Part ii

The Tories are finished now as a party. The only hope is perhaps Mogg to take the job and have the guts and good sense to realise it’s impossible to negotiate with the sickeningly manipulative EU elite who do not care about the business or the people of Europe, they want to see them all crushed and subservient.

These where the words of the founder of the EU on 30April 1952 at the UN meetin — Jean Monnet :-

“Europe’s nations should be led towards a superstate, without their people understanding what is happening”

jullianne23 Edited
Shamefully, the BBC decided to challenge statistics that we export more to the rest of the world than to europe, by focussing on gold (which we import to export) and which if you remove this high value item from the figures reduces our total to around half and half. But what they did not say is THAT VAST AMOUNTS OF GOODS ARE IMPORTED VIA THE EU THAT WE COULD IMPORT DIRECT FROM SOURCE AND CUT OUT THE EU ALTOGETHER DOING THEM ENORMOUS DAMAGE. There, I just injected some balance.

Seems May is trying to run with the foxes and hunt with the hounds. What on earth are you playing at?

The EU is digging a pit for the UK and also for the Tory party. But the Tory party folks are all stupid. If you give the same rights to the EU citizens it will be over because they will vote for Labour and in the referendum you will be inside EU again. It is a trap and Davis like a setting duck keep on sayin Yes, yes to everything which is pretty stupid. Think about what they want and think about what you want. However, Davis and Tories only hear what EU want but not what the British majority want. Which is very stupid. Tories really really failed to deliver a simple thing like Brexit. Mr Davis, next time you go to see that con-man again, simply, think about what we want not what they want. We do not want you to give the same rights to millions of EU citizens enshrined in the law so we are all over back inside in the EU. That is not what people voted for. And at the same time it is Killing the Tory party. It is time to pull the plug and say, ‘it is over we are leaving, otherwise, ‘The Tory party is already dead’ but also, very soon, we will be inside the EU again because of Labour and of course the millions of EU citizens who will get the same rights so they will simply vote for labour and also will vote in the referendum to ”Yes we will rejoin the EU.” The Tory party has shown too much sutpidity. It is time to do WHAT WE VOTED FOR & LEAVE. We did not want a Transition period neither did we agree to give millions of EU citizens the same rights as ours.

Perhaps the reason we are not leaving is simple…..

Parliament’s FRIT
the unelected Civil Service is LAZY

chuck into the mix a lot of politicos with deals going on

and hey presto…… leaving on parliament’s terms !

Are we getting cold or just started….. ?

May is turncoat, way out of her depth on Brexit and showing the same signs of dithering, incompetence and EU-nepotism that she had when she was HS.
I have no confidence whatsoever that she will deliver what the electorate voted for. She will betray Britain and the Cons will have done that twice in 50 years.

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