No Transition Period & No Surrender – Part iii

We need a Leader in this Brexit shambles. Even Davis shows himself up as weak and useless in these so-called negotiations and his refusal to stand up to Barnier & Co. May is certainly no Boudicca, in fact she is entirely without courage of any sort. And the Conservative Party itself seems to be rushing headlong toward total self-destruction. And all because no one has the courage to deliver what Britons demanded in the referendum. May has led us to this point, and we should all be ashamed that we have let her do so.

The oldest woman on our list is British Celtic Iceni tribe leader Boudicca. Many of us studied her in primary school as she led the uprising against the Roman Empire.

GW: Ironically the EUSSR is just the next ”Roman Empire” and this time the woman at the helm is a ReMayner.

stargazer – > Ron1
Shame on this woman. Theresa May couldn’t deliver a letter; totally useless and an incompetent, walking disaster.

A young lad ranting for LEAVE …?

This can’t be right … the Cleggite tells us that the young voted for more INsanity?

But my son’s peer group are up against hundreds of foreigners when they’re applying for jobs.

First 20 billion; now 40 billion; Add the final 100 billion; and may will be arrested for national bankruptcy.

Once again the ordinary people in the audience show more intelligence and wisdom than politicians, and more intelligence than the politicians thought they had. I will keep on repeating this until it eventually sinks in – according that eminent Jurist Albert Venn Dicey, beloved of the Supreme Court, “The British People Are Absolute Sovereign.” He also states that it would be a serious Constitutional mistake for the Government and the Lords to go against “The Will of The Sovereign British People.” they are only on the Commons Gravy Train by our democratic vote, and only have “Temporary Legislative Sovereignty,” by our Will and Our Vote.” I echo the man’s comment – what part of leave do they not understand? We appoint them, and we pay their wages, so as their employer we have a right to expect them to ‘obey a legitimate instruction of their employer.

LadyMacbeth – > Gordon Webster
Questions will be asked at the BBC about HOW, this very sensible young man – a Brexiteer – managed to slip through their vigorous vetting process for the Question-Time Audience…


We know the transition period is a con – this government has no intention of leaving the EU web ! They are dishonouring their pledge to the people who voted for Brexit. We voted to leave the single market, customs union and free movement.

Ms Hazarika said: “Progress has not been made. I would not trust David Davis to negotiate a Happy Meal quite frankly.”

I completely agree with Ms Hazarika.

as soon as the vote went against them the May`s Merkels and all at the top of the piousness EU have been explicit in trying to reverse the peoples decision. You need to shove this well rehearsed pantomime as far up your rear end, where the sun does not shine, your transition period started on the day we voted to leave.Your Party is running out of time.

Well I am a bit surprised, I thought it was only the aged portion of our society that did not understand what they were voting for in the referendum.

Everyone says it is all about the money. We have made a fair offer which is already being rejected. We told them trade talks must start by December 2017. Dave Davis says some significant progress has been made this week, Barnier says it looks more promising but there is a long way to go before trade talks can begin. They use the Irish Border and EU citizen rights and the ECJ, besides a huge bill they say we must agree to pay, as their reason for no further progression. This is stalemate and if TM wants to scrape any semblance of respect from us, she has to now say we are walking away. THis is the only way we will get any further progress. They will look stupid to have allowed this to happen and the EU 27 may decide enough is enough.

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