Little Boy Drops BOMBSHELL Confession About Podesta That Is Going VIRAL!

Thanks to Breaking News 24 for the information.

How far does this rabbit hole go?

We recently watched Dr. Phil interview someone who states that they’ve survived the pedophile ring that was created to service powerful professionals, potentially those in politics. Kendall also claims that she was trafficked to pedophile politicians, and was taken to political parties attended by high-level politicians who used her for their personal pleasure. Kendall stated that these sick politicians took great care to hide what they were actually doing. She also confirmed that there are many high-ranking U.S. politicians that have been engaging in raping children for many years. Which is a reality that has consistently been covered up and completely hidden from the voters.

This brand of elite isn’t the people running your local corner stores. It’s much bigger than that.

Dr Phil Exposes Pedogate On Mainstream Media

Controversy Radio

Published on Mar 24, 2017
Dr. Phil exposed the deadly secretive, and the highly organized world of elite pedophilia — with a former child sex slave going by the name of “Kendall” describing being literally born into, and growing up in, the world of elite sexual slavery.

The Truth Channel
I knew a girl in Texas. She was the daughter of a long time Congressman. She said this same thing happened to her. Only difference is her father was a big shot democrat politician. She even said Bill and Hillary CLinton were at some of these parties and a large number of them would go into back rooms have sex with children. She hasnt spoken to her father since 1987. She said Congress is full of pedos.

Exposed Truth

074august (edited)
Why haven’t you exposed the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Lazard Freres and more Satanic families instead of saying it the the Vatican? I am sure the Vatican is involved, but they are not running the show by themselves. Soros is a HUGE player.

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