Dramatic footage shows hero policeman risk his life by diving into fast-flowing river to rescue drowning man

”Dramatic CCTV footage sees Pc James Patterson quickly strip before jumping into the water with a life ring over one shoulder.

He can be seen swimming out, grabbing the man who was head down with just part of his clothing left showing, before his fellow officers pulled them back in.

Pc Paul Easter and and a team of officers worked together to haul the man on to the bank of the River Trent, where he was quickly given CPR in a desperate bid to save his life.”

The 41-year-old man was given CPR to bring him back to life (Photo: Nottinghamshire Police)


Well done those four coppers, especially P.C. James Patterson, who jumped into the filthy waters of the Trent to save the poor guy. He deserves a medal.  Hear Hear!

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