Now we are going to be subjected to a death tax as well as the 40 per cent inheritance tax on any estate worth more than £325,000 courtesy J Hunt & his Tori mates – Part ii


We need to fund a place at a Psych Unit for Jeremy – That’s going to cost each UK Taxpayer lots.

‘New tax’ on INHERITANCE: Outrage as Government proposes ‘death tax’ to fund social care

Or Paying For Jeremy Hunt’s Failure Tax

Steve 49
Social care is a created industry caused by the use of dangerous prescription drugs with side effects worse than the existing condition … because you have seen a few years does NOT mean that you have to be sick! Cancer alone is multi billion £ industry as is the developing dementia and I charge that we are CREATING such illness , that they KNOW what causes it and yet do nothing to prevent it! Global institutions are making huge amounts of money in not just keeping us sick … but making us sick in the first place! How many people realise that those drug companies have legal protection … they could literally market bleach as a treatment and get away with it! In fact that has already happened … google Pandemrix! Finally avoid vaccines … they are not … google the American Lawyer Robert F KennedyJr …! We need to start a serious investigation into the very basis of how we treat illness … doctors are treating SYMPTOMS with toxic drugs when they should be treating CAUSES!

The ungagged
Once again, those of us who have worked, saved, bought our own homes and have contributed like me for FORTY FOUR CONTINUOUS YEARS are left being taxed AFTER death whilst those who have just lived on the Liebour Party lifestyle all their lives and have been GIVEN everything WITHOUT effort, apart from the effort used in pumping out KIDS, are once again getting away with paying ANYTHING even AFTER death
When you buy a house you pay, stamp duty and then repeated council tax and insurance tax throughout your life.  Doesn’t this government think doing THAT more than entitles us to DIE without being taxed ?

With LibLab being totally UNELECTABLE I would have thought NOW is the time for the tories to get rid of their ‘nasty party’ image but it seems I am wrong.
this means there is still only ONE party in this country that is really the party of the british working man and that is UKIP. If only they could stop shooting themselves in the foot at this great opportunity in time.

Foreign aid should be STOPPED for a few years and then used CORRECTLY instead of on stupid wasteful projects and managed PROPERLY..

If child benefit was also stopped for the 3rd child onwards in TEN months time and the current breeding farms get ‘reserved rights’ for the number they have NOW then there would be more than enough to pay for old age care with the reduced money paid out in the years to come when the current crop leave full time education.

It just needs thinking OUTSIDE of the box NOT keep punishing those of us who are NOT rich but just responsible people. We pay all the bills when we are alive. The tories should NOT tax us in DEATH..

Troy Tempest
You can’t get something for nothing, and any politician that tells you that you can and promises tax cuts without cuts in public services is lying. And if you vote for that lie you are a fool.

Social Care is chronically under funded. It needs much much more money. The Government’s only source of money is taxation. Therefore taxes have to rise. It it’s not Inheritance Tax, then something else, Income Tax, for example.

If you allow too many people in the country it puts massive strain on welfare services, but lets forget about that because that does not matter because if you mention it you are a racist & far right !

No taxes in general do not have to rise. Elderly people with assets have to commit all those assets to fund their care and not ring fence any of it for their next of kin.

They have a right to give their money to who ever they wish. They have worked all their lives , pay tax all their lives. Why should they pay it when they die.Why should they subsidise immigrants who have never paid into the system and people like you.

Your right, you cannot get something for nothing if your British, being foreign is another matter………………….

This is akin to Thatcher’s hated poll tax — too toxic and a vote killer for the Tory party.

the poll tax was one of the faireset taxes ever introduced to this country – indeed only a few years ago labour thought about bring it back in a revised form – sadly at the time the long haired yobbos who lived of our benefits by which they bought their cannabis thought otherwise and took to the streets in protest. The poll tax was brought in so that every working adult paid their fair vshare to public services – if it was around today public services would be by far better funded. Instead the young workers get plastered every weekend, they pee in shop doorways, place our ambulance and hospitals under strain as they are carted off to hospital in their drunken states. they use all the public services free of charge and dont care a S**T that others are being screwed in higher taxes as they bask in the freebies on offer which they contribute nothing too.

mad marion
Foreign Aid comes to mind after all the foreigners will be benefiting after paying nothing in.

Apparently .” foreigner”is now a racist word.
Even though any other country you go to you are a foreigner..

Mark z
This is how we should save money, Stop paying benefits to foreigners, housing benefits, unemployment benefits, child benefits and charge foreigners to teach their kids it costs between £3k to £6k a year to teach a child, the EU should pay when we leave, take care of UK Nationals only,

How about just deporting them all & not letting any in,,problem solved but what would be the benifit in doing that well more jobs for the locals,,more houses for our kids to move into,less stress on the welfare system,,less cost to the NHS services, less crime , need I go on the list is endless

Cheryl – London
Stop the Foreign Aid budget completely.

Restrict child benefit to only two children (which should certainly put off the enrichers from breeding).

Throw out all non-working and never-working citizens of the EU and citizens of anywhere else who aren’t paying for their keep. Apparently if someone hasn’t got a job within three months they can’t be told to leave so why isn’t the Government forcing them to go? There are huge communities living entirely on OUR tax-funded benefits while contributing nothing.

If we got rid of all the non-British freeloaders we could afford to pay for social care for our elderly and our ex-military personnel.

Scrap Stamp Duty and bring in Capital Gains Tax on the sale of the Primer Residence.
Why should a buyer of a Prime Residence pay the Tax for the seller in the form of Stamp Duty is wrong.

The seller of a Prime Residence should pay His/Her Tax on any Gains made.
We accept paying Tax on Gains made on Savings, Investment etc, yet a Prime Residence is a Tax Free vehicle which helps to drive prices higher.

Yes the seller could try to pass the Tax on the gain by increasing the price, but every extra pound increases CGT.  This is a much fairer Tax than Stamp Duty and first time buyers would be exempt.

We need to abolish VAT biggest rip off in the UK.

Steve 49
It’s rather worse than that, the impact of tax on those older people on pensions living in houses they can no longer look after or afford prohibits any move as does the complete failure to build single floor dwellings (bungalows)! Most of the new build estates are crammed in like sardines and of very poor quality … the market will reject such buildings ! Tax is in any case simply theft from those who can’t afford the accountants and lawyers to avoid or mitigate it! CUT the size of government .. drastically, we only need 10 ‘lords’ at most to ensure Commons bills comply with law! In any case that HoL FAILED to prevent what was an illegal handing over of the UK to foreigners … which is what happened when we ‘joined ‘ the eu!

Remind me how much the British taxpayer gives away to foreign countries every year. £12 billion every year? £33million every single day? And we put these Anglophobes in office! What has been done can be undone.

I imagine this would go down as well as the ‘Poll Tax’ did.

G,, m,,.ll. Er
It’s taken down

Yes its getting really bad,,we won’t be able to comment on anything soon & that’s the government & the do-gooder plan as we won’t be able to see what people are saying, but even if they do stop us communicating we still know what the majority are thinking about the powers that be !

I always scroll down prior to reading the article and if “Comments Unavailable” don’t bother reading, Just read same story elsewhere that allows comments. Don’t know why they bother with a comments section in view of their restrictions

Where will the Lords be if this goes through parliament? Morally sickening to even consider it !

Cut foreign “aid”. Limit child benefit to two children and scrap HS2. Would that save us enough ?. It’s time the Conservatives started being Conservatives, not Labour lite.

Couldn’t agree with you more as i was just thinking the same thing reading the article

The ungagged
With the number of foreigners now over here including oldies using these care homes it could be classed as foreign aid anyway

Cut foreign aid,,Treason May has just agreed £230 million to a private army EU project to protect EU MEPs , yes more of our tax money,,this women is a liarer when will people wake up !

Steve 49
HS2 is a museum piece before it is even built! It’s an EU dictat with no proper business case that is going to cost £80 billion that the country does not have! That this and previous governments haven,t had the decency and honesty to explain to the people exactly what is behind it tells us all we need to know so that we can have a proper clearout at the next GE!

Fund it by taking the overseas aid budget to the likes of Pakistan,Yemen Sudan Ethiopia Tunisia morocco and any other Muslim 3rd world countries we currently send over £12 billion to yearly, we can easily fund our NHS, OAPs, Veterans, schools and all the other ills we are told we have insufficient funds to pay for

I’ve always paid tax on my earnings and since retiring I am still paying tax!

If I eventually have to go into a care home I will pay, at today’s rates, approximately £1,000 a week (local councils only pay £365 ish (?) for those fortunate not having to pay) and will be subsidising the Government/Council’s placements.

When I die it is likely that I will have to pay Inheritance Tax — due purely to the increased value of my house!

Why should I have to pay more?

Cut the Foreign Aid Budget! Cut the Trident Budget! Stop building great aircraft-carriers (sell these off)!

We don’t need Trident to rid this country of its enemies. They reside in Westminster.

GW:  Boom!

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