Story of Yeshu ben Pantera carefully concealed from Gentile eyes


ERIC LESSING/ART RESOURCE, NY Shalom Rabbi: Jesus sits before Caiphas, the Roman-appointed Jewish high priest.

The image of Jesus that one gets from the Talmud is that of an illicit, sex-crazed black magician who uses trickery to lead Israel astray. In BT Sanhedrin 103a, Jesus is depicted as a poor disciple who “spoiled his food,” which Schafer speculates may be a euphemism for sexual misconduct: “to eat the dish” being a recognized Talmudic euphemism known for the sex act itself. A later emendation adds that he “practiced magic and led Israel astray.” And the virgin birth is ridiculed as a cover-up of Jesus’ true parentage: His mother was an “illicit woman” (another Talmudic locution), perhaps even a prostitute.”

GW: See Ray Hagins for further information. Interesting how so much of Middle East antiquity has been stolen or destroyed. Could a cover-up be underway? Mr Hagins certainly thinks history has been skewed for the advantage of some.

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