Sadiq Khan backlash against Mayor after he says Jeremy Corbyn election win is ‘extremely unlikely’

IR Comment: He’s (Corbyn) taken the lid off a box of snakes. The PLP will never be forgiven for what they are trying to do.

IR Comment: Anybody else out there want to have a bash at Corbyn? Old Labour elephants? Lazy journalists? Fellow party traitors? People he gave a job to? Yes? More coming? Good. It will show the people what a worthless bunch they all are…….including the illustrious Mayor of London.

IR Comment: Khan obviously knows that if he doesn’t conform to the Establishment’s diktats he’ll be out like a shot.

IR Comment: Just when you think someone’s a pal. Amazing what a Portland hamper can buy you these days. Pity we have to wait another 4 years to vote this guy out.

IR Comment: Sadiq Khan is already yesterday’s man. Who on earth would listen to this shyster other than a bunch of yesterday’s politicians of the Blair, Mandelsohn & Campbell mode.

Chris Andrews / Yesterday Man ( 1965 )

Sadiq Khan shoots himself in foot while trying to backstab Corbyn

Comment @ VoxPol: Surprised that so many did not see this coming. I didn’t trust Khan from the get go and I was right, just as I was about Blair and Kinnock and Hillary Benn. It’s not often I like a parliamentarian but Meacher, Wedgy, Livingstone and Corbyn were right ‘uns, this coming from a traditional ex Tory. Doesn’t that tell you something?(Apart from the fact that I was empty headed or just plain selfish, to vote for the Tories.)

Comment @ VoxPol: What’s the quote from scripture? “There’s more rejoicing in Labour for every Tory who repents…”?

Sadiq Khan: “I’ve said it loudly & clearly. I’m not going to get involved in the leadership contest.” 29.6.16

Comment @ Red Labour: you have to have a good memory if you want to be a professional liar…..

Sadiq Khan left red-faced after identity of his London mayoral HQ’s landlord revealed

Sadiq Khan left red-faced after identity of his London mayoral HQ’s landlord revealed

Thanks to “GW Research” for the link.

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