Everything we hold dear is being cut to the bone. Weep for our country

Will Hutton


GR Comment: “The leadership of the Labour party offers no substantive intellectual or political opposition”

“It isn’t the ‘leadership’ It’s the PLP as a bodyhollowed out during the nuliarbore years to make way for nodding dogs, and now more interested in taking the fight to Corbyn than it is to the Tories.”

GR Comment:  “When will the Left learn that seeking to promote weal for all actually brings woe to the truly deserving. Natural forces which are meant to cull out the weak and stupid are artificially suppressed by so-called “good”, and the fittest are wrongfully held back, so whatever means are expedient can be used by the powerful to gain and maintain their dominance, without concern for anything.
The UK needs a practical and determined government. How will self righteous goodie Corbyn respond to terror? With mercy?”

GR Reply:  “Well that settled the whole argument about reincarnation after death. Hey Adolf!”  Ouch!

GR Comment:  “Corbyn did – he’s always opposed PFI. Consider yourself reminded.”

GR Comment:  “The article in the Telegraph last week: an NHS employee Gillian Rose aged just 53 asking for advice on how to use her £1.25m pension pot. Yes, £1.25m. Don’t tell us the NHS is short of money, please.”  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/special-reports/11986549/Should-I-retire-at-55-because-of-my-1.25m-NHS-pension.html

GR Reply:  “Offered in support as well as an observation; Alan Yentob at the BBC, a pension pot of £6.2 million.
20% of Council Tax going to pay pensions in some authorities.
More spent on pensions in some police authorities than on salaries.
The P.M., Speaker and the Lord Chancellor benefit from a lifetime annuity of half their salary on top of their pension. One day in post is sufficient to qualify.
Ex P.M.s may continue to claim expenses after leaving office.
Truly a fish rots from its head down.”

GW:  Why do we continue to pay Labour politicians who won’t fight the Tories because they are signed up for all that the Tories stand for – Bombing Syria back to the stone age; wishing Jeremy Corbyn would stop pricking their consciences; saving their jobs rather than saving UK; latching on to a simple hate agenda rather than actually analysing the whole thing properly?  What a load of w******!

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2 Responses to Everything we hold dear is being cut to the bone. Weep for our country

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