UK Column News 20 November 2015

ukc 20 november 2015 Are we already in WWIII

ukc 20 november 2015 Cameron drawing blinds on Open Gov

Cameron drawing the blinds on Open Government – yet another U-Turn.  How many is it now?

ukc 20 november 2015 Petty Criminals able to organize such well planned ops

Are petty criminals and female bar-flies really capable of pulling off such well-planned terror attacks as that pulled in France on Friday 13?  As they were apparently quite secular, it’s doubtful they would have gone near any mosque.  Where did they learn how to shoot like that?  I thought the shooters were super fit professionals.

ukc 20 november 2015 New Learning forget English and Maths and get cultural equality

The “new learning” – well you can forget the usual skills one would expect from the traditional curriculum – problem solving, critical thinking, IT, Maths. Languages, Economics, Ethics etc.

ukc 20 november 2015 New Learning forget English and Maths and get cultural equality 2

The “new learning” encompasses humanism/transhumanism,cultural insights,uniformity, multi-culti mismash etc.  That tree is the cabbalistic ‘tree of life’ btw.  These folk are extremely secular and quite marxist in their approach.

ukc 20 november 2015 Best Teacher Ever

News from a really successful teacher. and Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt


Naive children who believe everything they read online:

ukc 20 november 2015 DM reporting our chn cant work out what is internet rubbish

Daily Mail article about how our children are not able to distinguish what is useful and what is not from the internet.  This particular lady journo seems to have a bit of trouble with social media herself.  Far too much information about her husband’s “creative efforts.”

ukc 20 november 2015 Journalists being purged

On the other hand good local journalists are being ‘purged’.

ukc 20 november 2015 GCHQ 1 and half mill spent

GCHQ gets £1.55 Billion.  These spooks have a sumptuous canteen, gym etc all paid for by the tax payer?  Hullo Austerity!  What’s going on?  JDs working 24/7 for peanuts.  Something’s not right here.

ukc 20 november 2015 Barbara Hewson Twitter

Barbara Hewson reveals a little too much about herself on twitter.  She is supposed to be a much touted legal professional?

ukc 20 november 2015 Barbara Hewson Twitter 2

Some possible interpretations of Ms Hewson’s avatar.

ukc 20 november 2015 Demos and our childrens discernment

Demos targets the children and not in a nice way.

ukc 20 november 2015 How the illegal wars are funded

How the illegal wars have been funded.  This book names names apparently.

We are told that ATVOD could be picking up some P45s soon.

Part 1
Part 2 –
Part 3
Part 4

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