Tory aide Mark Clarke at centre of bullying claims was brought on board by Grant Shapps

India_Brummitt_and_Party_Chairman newsnight_report

“The Tory election aide at the centre of fresh allegations of attempted blackmail and bullying was personally brought on board by former chairman Grant Shapps, the Conservative party has revealed.

The party has been investigating Mark Clarke since before the death in September of young activist Elliott Johnson, who is believed to have killed himself and had accused Clarke of bullying.

Since then, a number of whistleblowers have come forward to allege that Clarke, who ran the RoadTrip2015 campaign that bussed young activists around the country, was engaged in inappropriate behaviour. Robert Halfon, the deputy chairman of the party, was warned before the election that Clarke could try to blackmail him about an affair with a Tory activist.”

“Elliott Johnson, a Nottingham University graduate who worked for the campaign group Conservative Way Forward, was found dead on railway tracks at Sandy station, in Bedfordshire, on 15 September. Johnson had made a formal complaint to the party about Clarke before his death.”

Secret tape of ‘Tatler Tory’ bullying suicide victim reveals menacing blackmail threats made to young activist at ‘kangaroo court’… in revenge for adultery rumours

“The Tory Party was last night rocked by claims that blackmail, drugs, adultery and thuggery are linked to the death of a Conservative official.”

GW:  These Tories are ALL psychos and should be locked in asylums not running UK Plc!

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