Mr Corbyn Finally Reads The Riot Act

The Labour leader told this Shadow Cabinet that there must be more message discipline

GW:  Well he has been quite liberal up to this point and has made good progress with the Tax Credit issue and has made a good case for dealing with ISIS by cutting off their supply lines.  Privately he probably knows exactly where they get their stuff from because a good section of the GP know the truth and Putin named names recently.  Don’t know how Cameron can stand there at Dispatch and quake about ISIS with a straight face really.

  • “Chuka Umunna today launched a searing attack on the party’s leadership,  But we wouldn’t have voted for you anyway Chuckie don’t you get it?  Blairites are not popular.  Just keep quiet if you want to keep your seat.
  • Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, Mr Umunna warned that the British public would not support politicians who failed to keep them safe????? You might But WE don’t want to bomb Syria.
  • He hit out at Corbyn supporters online who have bitterly attacked Labour MPs who have piublicly disagreed with the leadership.  So it is OK for him to attack Corbyn but no-one should say a word back to him?  He is precious isn’t he.
Stupid Chuka Harrison Umunna should try pulling his head in and stop screaming “Bomb Syria” like some mad banshee.  Doesn’t he know that the GP have just said in a poll they think Corbyn is doing OK.  Well Stop the War Coalition said they are going to ‘talk to him’ about it in Streatham Library on Wednesday.  That should be interesting.  Maybe we should tell Chuckie that ISIS actually stands for Israel Secret Intell Service.
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