George Osborne sees fresh blow over planned tax credit cuts changes



Well NLAT it’s been a few days.  Nice break?  What have you found then?  More TC bad news?  Excellent.

“George Osborne has suffered a political setback over his plans to cut working tax credits when a Conservative-controlled select committee condemned his proposed reforms and urged him to consider a pause to undertake a fundamental rethink of his priorities in reforming the welfare state.”

“The accumulation of criticisms from a select committee in which there is a Tory majority will be a serious embarrassment to the previously unchallengeable Osborne and underlines the extent to which Tory MPs are now willing to assert his summer budget was badly misjudged.”

GR Comment:  “Who are the selfish scroungers?
Only 11 people have been prosecuted for tax evasion since 2010.
Aggressive tax avoidance cost the Treasury £3.1bn in 2012-13.
HMRC lets more than 1,100 rich tax avoiders get off with light penalties.
Facebook paid only £4,327 in UK corporation tax last year.
Suck on that, clapped-out Tory wankers.”  Is that you NLAT?

GR Comment:  “It’s the old myth being disproved yet again about right wing politics. The old “Hitler may have been a bastard but at least the trains ran on time” well the truth is they didn’t, right wing governments are notoriously disorganized and inefficient. The deficit has massively increased under Osbourne more than at any other time in history. Austerity is all smoke and mirrors to cover up his economic ineptitude.”

GR Comment:  “You could ask where was this Select Committee six months ago and no doubt those Tory MPs were enthusiastically hurrying to vote in favour of the cuts.”

GR Comment:  “Why is this tied in with a small increase in minimum/living wage rather than working for a change in culture? The answer is that companies only see the margin and the bottom line and that they won’t change. The people in need can be forced to change. And that’s why this government is trying to solve a real problem (the poorly paid who are in need of help) by going after them rather than the cause.
Next time you read about a big company that doesn’t pay (its fair share of) tax here, remember that they’re probably also paying a lot of their staff too little. That means the government (we) are topping up the salaries so they can make a profit.”

GR Comment:  “What’s 7×8, George?”

GR Comment:  “What the UK needs is a rethink of being ruled over by emotionally disabled men who were sent away from their mummies and daddies at too young an age and have no empathy and common feeling with the people that their unjust policies most effect.”

GR Comment:Condemns the Treasury for being “unacceptably evasive” about the overall impact of its summer budget reforms, including the cuts to tax credits, on different income groups. The Treasury’s “obfuscation is not consistent with effective scrutiny; nor is it consistent with effective policy-making”, said the committee.

These comments are totally correct, and bring the House of Commons into disrepute. It was a clear case of the executive lying to Parliament. Remember they said most people would be better off on the package of changes?”

GR Comment: “Dunno why Osbourne is being so stubborn on this. Maybe he isn’t and there’ll be some kind of rabbit pulled from the hat in the next statement.

You could easily raise £4.5bn in other ways: introduce the measure for new claimants only, phase out working tax credits for non UK nationals over a year, restrict Winter fuel allowance on a means tested basis, increase capital gains tax on the sale of second properties etc. None of which (or many others) would be politically controversial.”

GR Comment:  Year %Taxes & NI of GDP Taxes
2009-10   34.5   485.7
2010-11   35.3   522.4
2011-12   35.5   542.9
2012-13   35.6   550.6
2013-14   35.9   573.5
2014-15   35.8   597.1
2015-16   35.9   624.3
2016-17   36.0   657.2
2017-18   36.0   689.1

GW:  Not enough manufacturing and exporting going on and real income is stagnating.  Too heavily reliant on the financial Sector.

GR Comment:  “Osborne and Cameron are simply not up to the job. They are intellectually and morally compromised as well as incompetent. In fact, the Conservative Front Bench, in toto, has drastically shown itself as collectively unworthy. The electorate observes their accelerating power to destroy, sensing and knowing, that they are the true enemy within. Groaning under the weight of their own selfish greed and interests their treachery in all matters of state is apparent. Under Cameron and Osborne’s legalised political and economic criminality the nation’s ruination continues. The deficit their excuse to betray whilst they laugh and slap each other’s backs at how easy it is to frighten, manipulate and make a whole people downtrodden.”

GR Comment:  “Plenty of alternatives offered, you just seemingly choose ignore them.”

GR Comment:  “Cut down the salary of public sector executives earning more than
150k by 25%,
100k by 20%,
80k by 10%.
No bonus for next 5 years, Golden Handshake not to exceed 100K.
Cut money to Eurocats equally.
Cut down the pension amount for top executives by 40%”

GR Comment:  “As a 43 year old who was once a teenager in a single parent family of the 80s, the degradation has given me a lifelong hatred of the Tories and a burning compassion for the poor – not all bad.”

GR Comment:  “No one disagrees that the deficit needs to be reduced, where and what they disagree on is how it’s done
1 – the Timescale
2- where the savings come from
3- distribution of those savings
eg – Instead of constantly trying to hammer welfare with the myth that anyone who receives it is a scrounger how about looking at
1- tax evasion and avoidance
2- tax breaks of 19 billion a year for companies
3- 10 billion a year in overseas aid budget
4- And yes areas of the welfare system but more evenly and over a longer period
But the problem with these tories is all their policies are based on screwing the “average working” families in this country at the benefit of the rich”

Housing benefit causes inflation in the housing sector. 

GR Comment: “Since families receiving Working Tax Credits tend to spend what they receive, rather than save for a rainy day or for the ‘nice things in life’, Mr Osborne’s proposed cuts will take some £429 million out of the economy. This is not a huge percentage of annual retail sales, but, given that there are areas of poverty, local economies will be hit very hard.

Thus, Mr Osborne will smirk about the poverty he has inflicted as he boasts about the cuts in welfare, in the knowledge that it will be the following quarter before the increase in unemployment filters through to JSA claims when retail staff are laid off …

What next? Repeating Mr Cameron’s ill-considered advice for everyone to pay their credit card bill off?”

GR Comment:  “Corporation tax here is 20%. In the USA it is 40%. They seem to do ok!”

GR Comment:  “Jeremy can take some credit for pushing this at PMQ’s over silly other ramblings. The pressure needs to be maintained on Osborne over this needless evil policy.”

GR Comment:  “A history graduate who failed his maths o level to boot. Too much time spent with Charlie?”

GR Comment: “The welfare handouts hiding in plain sight that absolutely no-one in government or the media actually want to talk about:”

GR Comment: “All of this chaos is just a symptom of an economy that is not ‘booming’ or even recovering properly. This is the problem, is you simply massage figures to show some growth to get elected, the underlying problems don;t go away and only real growth will solve them.

We have a rising welfare bill. That is george’s problem. He also claims we have economic growth. If we have the latter, as more people transition into paid jobs and businesses are growing, the benefit bill has always naturally shrunk as a result.

It is not this time because there is no actual recovery. That is the root of the problem.
‘We’ve created 2 million jobs‘ is a great boast. But if they all rely on tax credits and cost the state, then its entirely meaningless. This is where osborne is.”

Lies, especially big ones, always catch up with people.”

GR Comment:  “It’s the Ken Clarke quote that beggars belief as he tries to shift the blame for the rise in the cost of tax credits from the wallet stuffing bosses who pay such low wages the state has to intervene by calling them a “bung nearly 90% of workers recieved””

GR Comment:  “Neoliberalism doesn’t work. It’s a totally corrupt idea that incorporation provides the same rights to an incorporated business as it does to a person – I did not know this specific fact until I saw the documentary ‘The Corporation'”

GR Comment:  “For an Upper Class Public School educated person Osborne is at best Pathetic. How can someone who had such a privileged upbringing be such a complete bust as a Minister. He seems to have the Midas Touch in Reverse”

GR Comment:  “He already knows there is no need for austerity.
This ideological hubris on speed ( or coke, whatever)”

GR Comment: “Every single one of the 187 days since the election, bit by bit the Conservatives are making Jeremy Corbyn not just a credible alternative, but attractive in comparison.

This lot printed £375 Billion last year alone which was only lent to the rich at near zero% interest. Proving the “trickle down” theory is nonsense.”

GR Comment: “But, but…if we don’t slam the cuts through now, people might still remember them come 2020! It took three years after the ‘Omnishambles’ for things to quiet down so we could win the last election, we have to get the pain over with quickly, so I can take credit for the ‘recovery’! Does no one here understand election-based scheduling?”  Poor Skids.

GR Comment: “Gideon Oliver Osborne
He’s a man, with a plan,
A counterfeit dollar in his hand,
He’s Mister Know F**k-all    (apologies to Stevie Wonder)”

GR Comment:  See ‘Hitler employs George Osborne’: ► 3:50

GR Comment:  “First the HoL told him to think again – Then the Resolution Foundation told him to think again – Now the W&P select committee (Tory majority) have told him not only to think again, but to shelve it.”

GR Comment:

GR Comment: “Has he just had a delivery from his dealer or summat? Talking of which:

GR Comment: “Cutting Tax Credits, whilst paying bungs to foreign celebrities – Remitting child benefits abroad – Allowing an avalanche of immigrants access to a domestically funded system – Paying homage to a Corporate master?

Imprudent in a Chancellor with ambition…

Never forget the electorate – they sometimes bite back!

Image is such a fragile thing.”

GR Comment:  Is Osborne a Sociopath?”  Of course he is.”

GR Comment:  “my God this country is becoming a heartless and desolate place under this tory army of occupation.”  GR Reply:  “Agreed – If clues were shoes the whole lot of the Tory party would be f***in barefoot”

GR Comment:  “He’s really not very good with numbers, he shudda stuck to rock music. That Crazy Train was pretty good.”

Ozzy – ‘Crazy Train’

GR Comment:  “I hear Cameron appointed him just because Dave enjoyed listening to “War Pigs” and got his Osbos mixed up”

GR Comment:  “Tough Blow old boy – get on your White Pony and ride off into the sunset.”

GR Comment:  “Odd. Australia’s former treasurer Joe Hockey tried the same kind of austerity budget so that ‘leaners’ (you know, the poor, sick, unemployed, disabled and old) would be punished by having all their benefits cut, for ‘leaning’ on those hardworking rich people (miners, bankers, corporate CEO’s, media moguls) the ‘lifters’. They of course would be rewarded for being ‘lifters’ and pay very little tax and get a lot more middle class welfare. Do these right wing politicians have special secret right-wing seminars about delivering austerity budgets worldwide and work on what divisive and colourful local lingo (leaners/lifters; skyvers/strivers) that they can use to fool the proletariat into supporting their own demise? Do they think we are stupid? Osbourne will go the same way as Joe Hockey. Out on his arse.”

GR Comment:  “It’s sadly hypocritical, many large corporates, Google, Amazon, Facebook, etc pay no tax or next to nothing, coffee chains like Café Nero, which has not paid corporation tax in the UK since 2008, despite recording sales worth £1.2 billion. Starbucks, which pays no corporation tax in the UK etc. Why go after the poor and old because they are easy targets. Is Osborne stupid?”

GR Comment:  “He’ll not throw the towel in until he’s folded it.”

GR Comment: “It`s called Universal Credit for a reason, and it`s the birth of a cashless society under full control of monarchs and plutocrats.  You will do as you`re told when your ability to purchase anything whatsoever rests on the push of a key on a keyboard.  It`s an elitists wet dream.”

GR Comment: “The abolition of the middle class is the wet dream of the Neo-Con. Henry Kissinger said as much, referring to education for all as a huge postwar blunder.”

GW: Who are those on the

Work and Pensions Committee

Member Party
Frank Field (Chair) Labour
Heidi Allen Conservative
Mhairi Black Scottish National Party
Ms Karen Buck Labour
John Glen Conservative
Richard Graham Conservative
Mrs Emma Lewell-Buck Labour
Steve McCabe Labour
Craig Mackinlay Conservative
Jeremy Quin Conservative
Craig Williams Conservative

Murnaghan Interview with Frank Field MP, Chair Work and Pensions Select Committee, 25.10.15

Dermot Murnaghan in the Sky News Studio

Dermot Murnaghan in the Sky News Studio

Frank Field:  The tax credit changes “are the biggest cuts in welfare ever and yet the Chancellor didn’t put this in his budget but put it into what is called the statutory instrument which wasn’t going to be debated on the floor of the House of Commons but in one of the committee rooms upstairs”,-chair-work-and-pensions-select-committee,-251015

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