Jeremy Corbyn stays behind after ceremony to applaud WWII veterans

Corbyn at Horseguards MarchPast

Corbyn at Horseguards Veterans’MarchPast

GW:  Not a Corbyn  sycophant but so tired of the LSM’s attitude towards the poor bloke.  It feels as if they would criticise Mr Corbyn even if he went to the loo more often than some trumped-up number of agreed times one is supposed to go there – say – twice in 24 and NO MORE!!!. Control freakery on acid/coke/speed/whatever.  These psychopaths don’t ‘do’ randomness do they.  Difference is to be feared.  Why?  Well it’s all about their own insecurity really

Who makes up these absurd rules anyway?  He laid the wreath.  He was dignified.  What’s the problem?  ffs leave him alone.  The GP will decide for themselves!

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