Petition asking for a debate in the House of Commons about Jeremy Hunt’s competence as Health Secretary has been successful after receiving more than 200,000 signatures

Well team this is really good news isn’t it. We did it!  Of course GovWatch will be celebrating after the debate which is scheduled for 14 September 2015. Don’t forget to tune in to Parliament TV folks. Standing room only already.


GW?  Blink Blink Blink.  Scramble Clatter Whaat?  Who’s that?  Oh it’s you Gideon.  I have just been putting into practice a technique I learned at the retreat I visited recently.  What is it?  Are we out of Lapsang souchong again or is it another bicycle puncture?  I have mended several bicycle tyres this month Gideon and I must say I wish you would be more careful.  No GW the bicycle is fine and the tea supply is more than abundant.  I was wondering what you thought of the recent ‘Jeremy Hunt debate’?  Underwhelmed Gideon completely underwhelmed.  Firstly they changed the context so that Hunt wasn’t even mentioned and secondly they relegated what I thought was an important issue to a side room instead of taking it to ‘the house’.  However we must press on Gideon.  Remember that meeting we have this Friday.  You had better get cracking on the preparations.

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