Corbyn’s tax bombshell: Socialist Labour favourite would cost YOUR family £2,400 a year

Thanks to the ToriCons “hard working people” DON’T have any money so guess it will be all those tax dodging friends of Dave & Gid & others who have more than the obligatory one mega yacht and those who rake in millions while paying their workers minimum wages and those with ‘black screen’ accounts who will have to find that extra £2,400 or leave the country.  All of the infrastructure WE paid for STOLEN by the ToriCons, a broken NHS thanks to the ToriDem 2012 H&SW Bill and all those Tori Tax Cuts WE afforded recently!  We are tired of being robbed blind Camerborne!

DER Comment:  “Jeez – this bloke must be good – the ENTIRE political representation of the UK and their hangers-on are TERRIFIED of him! And the UK’s media are desperate to demonise him! No doubt there’ll be a link between his great great great great grandfather and bubonic plague – his grandparents and a link to the decision to drop the bombs on Japan – the decision to blitz Germany…….. and the chemical explosion in China”

DER Comment: “Corbyn could well be elected because the nation is becoming weary of Career Politicians whose only purpose and intention is to get themselves elected. Runnning the country? let the unelected civil servants do that as in “Yes Prime Minister” BBC2 afternoons. Corbyn seems to be a man of principle and integrity. Could he lead the party? probably yes, if Milly Bland did, anyone can. This is what the election is about “The Choice of a Leader!” When the next general election arrives it will be Labour Policies that determine support, and those policies will be decided by Corbyn’s Shadow Cabinet. 2020 is a long way off. But Labour needs a leader of principle and integrity NOW! The other candidates are Career Politicians who were members of Milly BLand’s Shadow Cabinet, and so contributed to the defeat. But they prefer to forget that inconvenient fact.”


Sardinia – This is where your money has gone folks. “Boys Toys”.

GW:  Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf ……. Trull Lull La La La. 

After facing more than 5 years of ToriCon brutality at home and abroad we are battle hardened Dave.

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