“All schools may become academies” says Eton Educated Cameron

DMR Comment:  “Camoron is as shallow as a teaspoon and a lying ‘wanchor’ to boot. Election promises mean nothing to him, hope you’re proud of your support dm and all you dimwitted fools that fell for the spin. You’re all guilty of treason whether intentionally or due to your stupidity.” ‘Shallow as a teaspoon’ – Love it.

DMR Comment:  “100 days of a Tory government and Britain is declining daily. We have increasing homelessness, unemployment, food banks, rising crime, growing poverty, cuts to the police, the elderly services , NHS and council budgets in many parts of the UK . However, the Tories are more concerned with making education more elite and encouraging more cheap labour from Bulgaria.”  Education is going to be a real lottery in the future and parents will really have to ‘do their homework’ when it comes to which ‘academy’ they choose.  Check out the shysters who run the academy “trusts”.

DMR Comment:  “Whatever Cameron DOES or SAYS will be detrimental to this country’s recovery . With him and his towel folder friend in Charge , will there be an ENGLISH or BRITISH country LEFT after four plus years .”


GW:  So Eton is to become an academy is it?

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